Yoga Helps With Back Pain

Some yoga postures help stretch your back muscles to speed up pain relief. Regular training strengthens this part of the body and reduces the risk of injury.
Yoga helps with back pain

Yoga helps with back pain as it is a great way to relax your muscles and fight the symptoms caused by stress. While there are many different factors that affect back pain,  stretching and breathing with yoga can help relieve it, whatever the cause of the pain.

Although many people prefer to rest when suffering from muscle tension, practicing yoga has therapeutic effects that are more beneficial. In fact, when exercised regularly, it becomes an effective way to soothe chronic or recurrent pain.

However, it is important to know which yoga postures to choose, especially if you do not have much experience with this sport. That’s why we now want to share with you in this article the easy routines you work with on this body part. Are you ready?

1. Child position

yoga helps with back pain: childhood

“Balasana” or childhood is a great way to use yoga to relieve back pain. This is an active spinal stretch that  soothes stiffness and tension by improving blood circulation and relaxing muscles. 

How is it done?

  • Go to your knees on a yoga mat, resting your buttocks on your heels. Stretch forward and rest your head on the mat, touching it with your forehead.
  • Keep your hands on the sides to relax your whole body.
  • Stay in this position for 15-20 seconds while taking a deep breath.

Note: if your head does not reach up to the mat or you feel uncomfortable, use a pillow as a support.

2. Cat-cow position

The “Bidalasana” or cat-cow position is the perfect exercise to reduce tension in your back and neck. It improves the use of the synovial membrane to keep your spine supple and healthy.

How is it done?

  • Start with the child position and lift yourself to your knees. Support your body with the straightest arms and curl your spine upwards (just like a cat).
  • Keep your head down, just as if trying to touch your stomach with your forehead. Make sure your knees and palms stay flat on the mat.
  • Then straighten your back and  let it relax for a few seconds (cow position). Also lift your head and look ahead.
  • Alternate between these two positions, staying in each for a few seconds while practicing breathing. For example, inhale during the first position and exhale during the next.

3. Triangular position

The triangular position, also known as the “triconasana,” helps  relieve back and neck pain. It also increases the flexibility of your hips and spine to help you avoid the risk of injury.

How is it done?

  • Stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Touch your left foot with your left hand.
  • Reach out with your right hand straight toward the ceiling.
  • Try to keep your left leg straight and your right just slightly bent.
  • Repeat this exercise on the opposite side.

4. Grasshopper position

The “Salabhasana” or locust position is the perfect exercise that stretches and relaxes several muscle groups in the body. Because it stretches the spine,  it promotes pain relief. It also works on the back and shoulders.

How is it done?

  • Lying on a yoga mat face down.
  • Raise your legs and chest so that they do not touch the ground. Only the hips are on the floor.
  • Keep your arms on your sides with your fingers pointing towards your toes.
  • Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, breathing normally.

5. The dove

yoga helps with back pain: a pigeon

The dove or “salamba kapotasana” is the perfect yoga exercise to relieve back pain. It involves movements that increase the flexibility and strength of the muscles around your spine. It also  strengthens the buttocks, Achilles tendons and thigh muscles.

How is it done?

  • Support yourself on your knees and put one foot bent forward. Stretch one leg back and place your hands on the mat on both sides of your body.
  • Stretch your hips towards the ground. Move the heel of the bent leg and raise the knee. You should also tense your buttocks so you don’t lose your balance.
  • Tension your abdomen and bend your back. Finally, stretch your arms above your head with your palms together. 

Note: To reduce the pressure on your hips, press your hands firmly against the mat.

As you can see, this yoga routine to help with back pain is very easy and does not require much experience. All you need is a quiet and comfortable place where you can focus completely.

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