Where Do The Lines On The Nails Come From?

Although these lines usually appear because the nails are damaged or the person has some nutritional deficiency, they can also indicate more serious health problems.
Where do the lines on the nails come from?

All women would love strong and beautiful nails that don’t break easily. Various other side effects of the nails, such as the lines they show, are often also a problem. The lines on the nails are a puzzle in terms of appearance, but they also indicate that there is some imbalance in the body.

So in this article, we want to tell you what the lines on the nails can be caused by and how to get rid of them by natural means.

Keep reading if you’ve noticed this to yourself – this is how you get rid of unpleasant but also nail lines that tell about health problems !

Horizontal lines on the nails

The white and somewhat thick horizontal lines that appear on the nails can be caused by many different things. The most common causes are what we describe below.

Serious illnesses with high fever


If a person has had a serious illness, such as pneumonia or smallpox, this can result.

In these cases, the white lines come in a few nails at a time, as the body has focused primarily on fighting the disease rather than focusing on nail growth as well.

No treatment is needed for this, as the  white lines disappear from the nails when the disease is recovered.

Because nails grow about a millimeter a week, it is possible to count the day that traumatic stress occurred in a person’s body.


If diabetes has occurred in your family, and if you suffer from its symptoms yourself, the lines on your nails may be the result of untreated diabetes.

The first step is to see a doctor in order to do the tests required by the situation  and get a diagnosis.

Type 2 diabetes is often treated naturally with nutritional supplements such as stevia and cinnamon.


psoriasis in the hands

This disease causes flaking and inflammation of the skin and occurs in different parts of the body, including the nails, and can have horizontal lines.

Those with psoriasis may suffer from great discomfort, as the pain and itching can be unbearable.

Although no treatment for psoriasis is theoretically available, many have found that a balanced and healthy diet provides relief from the disease.

We recommend increasing the amount of fresh and natural foods and reducing products that contain processed sugar and harmful fats.

Circulatory disorders

If you have poor blood circulation, and if you also notice other symptoms such as varicose veins as well as pressure on the legs and their heaviness, it may be the cause of streaks appearing on the nails.

In order to improve your blood circulation, you need to live an active life, eat fresh produce and keep your diet full.

  • We recommend increasing the amount of red foods (tomato, red berries, cayenne and so on).
  • You can also take baths at varying temperatures (hot-cold) as well as take massages using essential oils (rosemary, cypress and hamamelis).

Zinc deficiency in the body

lines on the nails

Zinc is a mineral that is vital to many bodily functions and is also needed to keep nails healthy and strong.

Its deficiency can be the cause of horizontal lines or marks on the nails. They are thus a warning sign that a person should get more zinc.

Zinc can be taken as a nutritional supplement or it can be obtained by consuming the following foods:

  • cocoa
  • dry watermelon seeds
  • meat
  • oysters
  • peanuts
  • sesame seeds
  • pumpkin (and its seeds)
  • butter

Vertical lines on the nails

The reasons for the formation of vertical lines are different from those for horizontal lines in the nails.


woman's face

The most common explanation for the vertical lines of nails is the aging process, which no one can avoid.

Nonetheless, it is fortunate that if you eat foods high in antioxidants, you will be able to delay the destruction caused by free radicals,  and this works both externally and internally.

There are some foods that contain a particularly high amount of antioxidants, and these include:

  • cocoa
  • garlic and onion
  • avocado
  • grape
  • tomato
  • lemon
  • broccoli
  • turmeric
  • green tea
  • nuts
  • apple
  • paprika

Vitamin B deficiency

In some cases, the lines on the nails may be due to a deficiency of vitamin B in the body.

This may be due  to poor absorption of that nutrient or to the fact that a person’s diet is very limited to vegetarian food.

The following foods are good if you need more vitamin B12:

  • egg
  • meat
  • seafood
  • dairy products
  • spirulina
  • brewer’s yeast

Magnesium deficiency in the body

man's nails

Inadequate intake of magnesium can also cause streaks on the nails. Unfortunately,  there is less and less of this mineral in the food,  as the soil is deteriorating and there are always but fewer nutrients in it.

It is highly recommended to take magnesium as a supplement, and the most common forms are chloride (this is an excellent aid in the treatment of constipation) and citrate (this is better for those who have a problem with hyperacidity).

Have you ever wondered where the lines on your nails come from and are they a sign of something bad? Now you know!

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