What Is Momnesia, Or Forgetting A New Mother?

“What was I going to do in the kitchen?” “Where are the keys?”. Such forgetfulness is normal during pregnancy and after childbirth. But what exactly is “momnesia”, that is, forgetting a new mother?
What is momnesia, or forgetting a new mother?

Many women complain that their memory deteriorated after becoming pregnant. But is “momnesia” i.e. the forgetting of a new mother a myth or a reality?

Several published studies show that changes occur in the brains of expectant mothers. This rearrangement of the brain begins during pregnancy and continues for another two years after delivery.

But is momnesia, or the forgetfulness of the new mother, a real phenomenon? Let’s find out.

Momnesia, or the forgetfulness of the new mother, is a real phenomenon

A large proportion of pregnant women say they forget things more sensitively than usual. Some situations would appear to be “normal” during the second and final trimesters of pregnancy; these include, for example, losing your cell phone or keys, forgetting some purchases, forgetting about cooking, forgetting appointments, and so on.

But this can happen to everyone, right? How does this prove that these oblivions are due to pregnancy?

Some doctors admit that some women may momentarily “lose their memory” during and after pregnancy. This may be related to hormonal changes. It may also be that the expectant mother is just in her thoughts about her pregnancy and pushing the little things into the wigs of her mind.

New mother exhaustion may also be related in some way to post-pregnancy forgetfulness.

Gray matter in fresh mothers decreases

Momnesia, the forgetting of a new mother, is a common phenomenon in pregnant women and new mothers

According to a study by Deakin University in Australia, published in the Australian Medical Journal, pregnant women experience a decline in cognitive abilities. The researchers looked at twenty studies comparing the cognitive functions of 709 expectant mothers and 521 non-pregnant women. The researchers found that pregnant women had poorer cognitive abilities and memory functions than women who were not pregnant.

Still, more research is needed before the concept of momnesia can be considered to have a scientific basis.

Forgetting a new mother

It is common for new mothers to forget things

Although further research is needed to confirm or deny the existence of “momnesia,” a 2010 study suggests that hormonal changes may be responsible for the new mother’s memory impairment .

These hormonal changes would help the mother adapt to the demands of keeping the baby healthy and alive. The brain selects the weakest connections and discards them to focus on what’s really important: the emotional bond with the baby and meeting the baby’s needs.

What exactly is forgetting a new mother?

As can be seen from this, there is no conclusive scientific evidence of impaired memory in pregnant and new mothers. However, many women claim to have experienced it themselves.

Yes, data from another study support the hypothesis that pregnancy affects a woman’s ability to perform certain tasks, particularly those related to spatial memory. Forgetting during pregnancy could be related in some way to the high levels of prolactin and progesterone in the body of the expectant mother.

Let’s now look at some common situations in those pregnant women who suffer from memory impairment. They could be associated with spatial memory disorders, as mentioned above:

  • They put a lot of laundry in the washing machine, but forget to take them away.
  • They open the door and leave the keys in the lock, outside.
  • They go to the store but forget to buy what they had to.
  • They forget that the food is prepared in the oven… until the burnt cart returns to the barren reality.
  • They might go do something, but forget when they arrived what it was.

How to control memory loss during pregnancy

If you feel much more forgetful after you get pregnant, no worries! Forgetting happens to many fresh mothers. You can curb it with the following tips:

  • Write a shopping list and take it with you to the store.
  • Ask for help and don’t try to do everything alone.
  • Try to rest (although this is easier said than done when you have a small baby at home). However, remember that your health is more important than a spotless home. Sleep when your baby is sleeping, if only you can.
  • Take time for yourself. Ask a spouse, friend, or family member to take care of the baby for a while so you can take a moment to relax. Do things you enjoy.
  • Exercise.
  • Make puzzles or play memory games.
  • Eat balanced. The brain needs all the nutrients it needs to function properly.

Do you identify with any of the above examples? In that case, you may suffer from “momnesia”! Science may not yet confirm this phenomenon, and the information obtained from the studies is not definitive. Nevertheless, it is a reality for many women.

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