What Is A CT Scan And Why Is It Done?

Computed tomography (CT scan) is a fast, simple, and painless diagnostic imaging method. Who needs it? What are its benefits? Today’s article talks more about CT scanning and its benefits.
What is a CT scan and why is it done?

CT scan is a radiological imaging test used to diagnose many diseases. This article contains interesting information about this type of analysis.

What is a CT scan?

Computed tomography is a diagnostic imaging method. It is an X-ray device that emits rays from several different directions instead of just one beam, as is the case with a conventional X-ray.

In addition, these rays form many different images, after which the computer stores and processes them. The computer then produces a reconstruction of the part of the body or the entire body to be examined, depending on the case.

The computer can even configure the images so that it can form a 3D image from inside the body. Thus, it is clear that the images that can be obtained by CT scan are much more detailed than those obtained with a conventional X-ray machine.

CT scan: device.
A CT scan is a diagnostic test that can facilitate the detection of many diseases.

What does a CT scan look like?

The images obtained by this imaging method are based on the different radiation absorption of body tissues. Thus, different tissues such as bones, tendons, soft tissues, brain nerve tissue, etc. appear in different colors.

For example, bones look whiter, while areas with air, such as the lungs, look blacker. In addition, areas with intermediate density, such as the heart or liver, are gray.

Who is CT scan for?

This quick test is intended to assess the condition of many internal parts of the body in an emergency. Some of these can occur after a car accident if, for example, a stroke is suspected.

It is also one of the most important tests in diagnosing and evaluating different types of tumors. Some of the most common are lung, ovarian, or liver tumors.

In addition, a variety of contrast agents can be used to perform the test to help produce more detailed images of specific parts of the body.

How is it done?

CT scan is a quick, simple and painless test. In preparing it, the doctor asks the patient under test, among other things, possible allergies and possible prostheses. The patient must remove metal objects, hearing aids, and other objects that may interfere with the test.

The patient is then placed in a specific position that facilitates obtaining the desired image. The patient lies on a bed that moves slowly in and out of the X-ray machine.

The test usually takes less than 30 minutes, but can be even faster thanks to modern technology as well as for children.

CT scan: results.
A CT scan is a simple, painless test that lasts up to 30 minutes.

Is CT scan safe?

The biggest risk in CT scans is radiation exposure. However, the amount of radiation to which the patient is exposed is not dangerous. As with all imaging methods, there is always a small risk that the radiation used will promote tumor formation.

The benefits of this imaging method are always much greater than the risk of developing cancer. However, this test is not safe for pregnant women.


As already mentioned, CT scanning is a fast, simple and painless imaging method. It can provide a lot of important information in the diagnosis of several diseases or in emergencies.

After all, the use of CT scanning is becoming more common and the technology for interpreting results is evolving more and more accurately.

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