What Causes Swelling Of Fingers?

What causes swelling of the fingers?

This has probably happened to you at least once, too: you feel pressure in your fingers, and they also seem a little inflamed. They may be so swollen that you won’t even be able to take off your rings. Sometimes this can happen even while walking, and sometimes, for example, in the middle of the afternoon.

What causes this reaction?

There are many reasons for classic finger swelling, and in the following we will tell you more about it.

Swelling in any part of your body is usually the result of fluid buildup. Fingers are the part of the body where the accumulation of excess fluid is very common. This buildup of fluids is due to poor blood circulation,  but sometimes it can also be a symptom of other problems that you can prevent.

So it is helpful to know what these problems might be.

Swelling in the fingers: what causes it?


1. Poor blood circulation

Excessive cholesterol and high or unbalanced blood pressure will increase your blood flow, and they will also make your blood flow at a higher rate from your heart to your lungs.

As a result, you get tired more easily, and this intensity of blood circulation in the chest leads to an imbalance even in the limbs and fingers. Your hands will feel colder and your fingers will swell as your blood vessels open more, which in turn will cause swelling and bulging.

2. Extra pounds

Being overweight or having a few extra pounds causes changes in the lymphatic system. This causes your body to accumulate fluid in your hands and feet. They feel bloated and your shoes may no longer fit on your feet. You will feel tingling in the area of ​​your fingers and they will be slightly swollen.

3. Carpal tunnel syndrome

If you have so-called carpal tunnel syndrome, it is common  for the blood circulation in this area to be less efficient than normal. This is due to the pressure on the so-called  central nerve in the hand , which in turn causes a feeling of numbness in your fingers. Plus, it makes your fingers feel cold and swollen.

4. Allergic reaction

Sometimes it happens that ingredients that do not belong to the body get into the body. In order for your body to be able to defend itself in such a situation, histamine is released into the bloodstream to fight the effects of such factors, which can sometimes cause swelling in the fingers.

If you experience such an allergic reaction, you will need to take antihistamines as a treatment.

5. Inflammation

Inflammation occurs when bacteria get through your skin through some damaged area, and sometimes a very small wound is enough. One of your fingers may start to swell and feel sore. Sometimes the inflammation in the tissue may progress to the bone, often causing a fever.

6. Rheumatoid arthritis

Normal wear and tear and damage to the joints and cartilage over time may also affect your fingers. They are a common area of ​​rheumatoid arthritis.

What are the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis? Your age doesn’t really matter. You will notice that your fingers are swollen and their color has changed to purple. Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful problem, and it is especially painful in the mornings. It is also common for the fingers to be stiff and difficult to move.

How should swollen fingers be treated?

1. Hand movement exercises to prevent tingling and fluid buildup

hand exercises to get rid of swelling of the fingers

You can reduce the accumulation of fluid in your fingers by moving them as shown above. This movement moves your bloodstream and pumps excess fluid out of your fingers. In its simplicity, movement consists of moving the thumbs in and out repeatedly. Even such an easy movement allows you to restore fluid balance in your hands.

Another good exercise is to put your  palms together  (as you would when crossing your hands in a prayer position) and lift them over your head. This exercise will also help you promote circulatory balance.

2. Enjoy natural dehydrating ingredients (diuretics)

green_tea for finger swelling

Such ingredients allow the accumulated fluid to leave the body. As a first resort, drink two liters of water every day.

Also add natural ingredients to your diet that have diuretic or dehydrating effects. Examples of such ingredients are green tea, celery, carrot, tomato, onion, eggplant, broccoli, artichoke, watercress, cucumber, Brussels sprouts and lettuce.

3. Maintain a balanced and low-salt diet

swelling in the fingers is relieved when the salt is omitted

Eliminate salt from your diet.

If you have a diet high in fiber and vegetables, and if you also stop eating industrial fats, additives, and salt, your body will recover in many ways.

In particular, it also results in a reduction in fluid retention, which has a positive effect on blood circulation and also helps you lose weight.

4. “Press gloves”

swelling in the fingers is alleviated by the introduction of compression gloves

If your fingers swell frequently and if it really bothers you, you can turn to the following treatment: so-called compression gloves. They are commonly sold in pharmacies and are a very useful product to prevent swelling of the fingers. The gloves put the right amount of pressure on your hands and fingers, causing the excess fluid that has accumulated in them to escape.

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