Try These Treatments For Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are dilated veins located in the anal area that cause pain and suffering to millions of people around the world. It is best to try to prevent them.
Try these treatments for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are an annoying and common affliction, and their treatment requires patience and consistency. Hemorrhoids are dilated veins located in the area of ​​the anus that, when inflamed, cause itching, pain, and bleeding. Symptoms worsen with constipation or hard stools.

Treatment for hemorrhoids varies from home treatments to surgery, depending on the nature and severity of the problem. In all cases, you should always start with the simplest treatments and use more robust weapons when needed.

Preventive treatments for hemorrhoids

Constipation causes hemorrhoids

There are some natural and preventative treatments for hemorrhoids. The most important of these are:

  • Avoid constipation at all costs. Difficulty passing stools increase the severity of symptoms. So eat high-fiber food and drink plenty of fluids.
  • Exercise often. Staying still increases the symptoms of hemorrhoids, especially if you sit a lot. However, rowing, horseback riding and cycling are not recommended if you have hemorrhoids.
  • Avoid annoying foods. These include coffee, dark drinks, chocolate, very spicy foods, alcohol and excess salt.
  • Wear cotton underwear.

Many use laxatives to prevent constipation. However, they should be used with caution and always as directed by your doctor. Although they are effective, they can have side effects.

Creams and ointments

Creams can relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids

The symptoms of inflamed hemorrhoids can be relieved with ointments and ointments. Although stores sell a wide variety of options, it is always better to get a prescription from a doctor. These products usually contain astringent ingredients, which are usually mild.

Creams containing corticoids are the least recommended as they can cause itching and dermatitis. Creams are usually used in addition to pain medication. The best preparations are those that contain mild astringents.

In the most severe cases, hemorrhoids can be cut.

Suppositories are one way to treat hemorrhoids. Many are available from pharmacies without a prescription, but should be used with caution. Most suppositories contain corticoids and topical analgesics that can have adverse effects over time.

Other treatments for hemorrhoids

treatments for hemorrhoids: pills

Sometimes the right diet and use of creams just isn’t enough. When hemorrhoids are internal and cause a lot of pain or bleeding, your doctor may perform some of the following treatments:

  • Hanging Hemorrhoids – Hemorrhoids are “hanged” with rubber loops, causing them to die and fall off on their own in a few days.
  • Laser or infrared light therapy – Your doctor will heat the hemorrhoid area to cause clotting. Hemorrhoids shrink and disappear.
  • Freezing Treatment – Hemorrhoids are frozen with liquid nitrogen. This causes inflammation in the area and healing is slow.
  • Sclerotherapy – Your doctor injects various substances directly into the hemorrhoids, which cures them and reduces the symptoms.

The most severe cases may require surgery. There is a risk in all surgeries. One is the formation of blood clots in the legs. Recovery time is painful and complete healing is slow. However, surgery is an effective method.

There is also a new option for the treatment of hemorrhoids, arterial ligation, which utilizes a Doppler ultrasound device. The method dates from 1995, but there is still insufficient information on its effectiveness. However, the method does not require incisions and the risk of leakage is low. Recovery time is also less painful than surgical treatment for hemorrhoids.

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