Tips For Cutting Cheese Right

Did you know that the shape of the cheese determines how the cheese should be cut? If you haven’t taken this detail into account yet, chances are you’ll end up inadvertently ruining the original shape of the cheese. That’s why we decided to share with you a few tips for orthodox cheese cutting. Try them in practice!
Tips for cutting cheese properly

Today, we have in our hands more clever ways and tricks for orthodox cutting of cheese. While cutting cheese seems like a simple task that doesn’t require the author to be proficient in space science, it’s relatively clever to know how orthodox cutting of cheese takes place so as not to ruin its original appearance. Each type of cheese requires a different treatment depending on its shape and characteristics. So how does it work in practice?

Some cheeses are difficult to cut, especially because of their challenging structure. When the cheese is cut, its texture may break, stick to water or usually lose its original shape. For this reason, it is important to take a closer look at each variety of cheese and learn how their orthodox cutting actually takes place.

The best tips for cutting cheese right

The most challenging thing about cutting cheese is that if it is cut incorrectly, its shape can break and therefore its aesthetic presentation on a cheese plate, for example, is challenging. Therefore, it is more than convenient to know the tips for orthodox cutting of cheese according to its shape or variety. Read more below!

Tips for cutting round, small and flat cheeses

To prevent the cheese from sticking to the knife, it is advisable to lightly immerse the knife in hot water just before cutting the cheese.

Round cheeses, such as Camembert cheese, should always be cut into equal triangular pieces, in the same way as when cutting a cake, for example. Cutting starts from the center towards the edges and should be done with the sharpest possible knife.

  • To prevent the cheese from sticking to the knife, it is a good idea to lightly immerse the knife in hot water before cutting the cheese. Of course, the knife should also be remembered to dry before cutting so that the water does not wet the surface of the cheese and leave the composition watery and aesthetic.

Tips for cutting Brie-type cheeses

Brie-type cheeses, i.e. large, round cheeses, should first be cut into large slices and then these slices should be cut into two smaller pieces. The cutting of a large cheese can be carried out, for example, with a sharp cheese planer or a knife for cutting perforated cheese.

  • Also in the case of Brie-type cheeses, the tip mentioned in the previous section works well. If you want to try something new, you can also lightly dip the knife head into the oil to give the cheese new flavor nuances.

Tips for cutting cylindrical cheeses

Cheeses with a cylindrical shape (such as goat cheese) are widely used today to make salads and toasts due to its delicious and full-bodied taste. However, in order not to damage the structure of the cheese, it is advisable to avoid too thin slices when cutting it.

  • It is advisable to use a very sharp and wet knife to cut the cylindrical cheese. The knife should also be re-dipped in water after each cut so that all the slices are evenly smooth as a result.

Tips for cutting Manchego-type hard cheeses

In the case of hard cheeses, it would be advisable to use a sharp knife with a double handle and the cheese should be cut at room temperature.

Hard cheeses are those cheeses that have been subjected to a so-called pressure process in order to make the structure of the cheese as dense as possible. The age of the cheese determines whether the density of the cheese is higher or lower. In the case of hard cheeses, such as Manchego, it would be advisable to use a sharp knife with a double handle and the cheese should be cut at room temperature. 

  • First of all, the cheese should be cut into two equal parts. Next, half the cheese is cut into a wedge shape and finally it is cut into equal triangular pieces about half a centimeter thick.

Tips for cutting Parmigiano-type cheeses

As we know, Parmigiano cheese (or, more familiarly, Parmesan cheese) is used especially to complement dishes belonging to Italian cuisine, such as pasta and lasagna. Although parmesan is a very hard cheese of maturity, it doesn’t really require a special cut. In fact, it is sufficient to grate or slice it even directly on top of the portion.

  • Cutting parmesan is very simple: just place a piece of cheese on a cutting board and chop it into uneven pieces or grate it into a fine powder.

Interested in the topic? Read more here: Veal steaks glazed with parmesan

Tips for cutting blue cheeses

Cheese varieties such as Roquefort or Cabrales are semi-hard and greasy cheeses that many find difficult to cut. In fact, in the case of these cheeses, we should not even expect a complete outcome, as the cut of these cheeses tends to remain uneven. However, for the best result, the most ideal would be to use a sharp cheese planer. In addition, in the case of blue cheese that has already been wedge-shaped, you can proceed as follows:

  • Place a piece of cheese on a cutting board and cut smaller pieces next to it, following the shape of the wedge.

This is how you cut the cheese correctly, regardless of its shape or variety

As an extra tip, we want to share this interesting habit that we have found to be well suited for cutting all types of cheeses. In fact, this way you don’t even need a knife. Instead, all you have to do is get dental floss that isn’t impregnated with the extra aroma. Do the following:

  • Cut a piece of dental floss longer than the diameter of the cheese.
  • Next, place the thread from side to side of the cheese, depending on the part you want to cut. Press the thread into the cheese and pull it through the cheese.
  • Repeat until the cheese is chopped as desired.

Did you already know these tips for orthodox cutting cheese above? If you always accidentally ruin the look of your cheese by cutting it incorrectly, next time take advantage of these tips to make sure you’ll put together a complete and charming cheese plate.

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