These Five Natural Ingredients Make Your Floor Shine

These five natural ingredients will make your floor shine

Don’t waste your money on expensive floor wax products to get the shine back on your wood floor. It is true that these products are effective, but you can replace aggressive chemical products just very well with natural products that are just as effective. In this article, we present five natural products that will make your floor shine without chemicals!

The best thing about natural materials is that they keep wooden floors in great condition, removing dirt, preventing stains and cracks from forming on the floor. They are also environmentally friendly because all of their ingredients are 100% natural.

Five natural products that make your floor shine

Do you want to make your wooden floor shine? Many others are also looking for natural wood floor cleaners. Read on to learn about the top five natural ingredients you can use for your wood floor.

1. Beeswax and olive oil

The mixture made of beeswax and olive oil is a homemade wax for wooden floors and furniture. If you want, you can add a little essential oil to the scent and get a nice, fresh scent after waxing the floors.


  • 0.5 dl of beeswax
  • 1 dl olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon essential lavender oil (optional)

Preparation instructions

  • Place the beeswax in a heat-resistant container and place it in a microwave or water bath.
  • Melt the wax and then add the olive oil and mix well.
  • Keep the mixture warm for another two minutes and then allow to cool.
  • Store the mixture in a glass jar.


  • Soften a small amount of wax-oil mixture in the microwave and rub it on a wooden surface that needs a little shine.
  • Polish with a soft cloth or mop until the surface is shiny.

2. Coconut oil and lemon

The moisturizing properties of coconut oil make the wooden surface shiny again. Combine coconut oil with lemon juice and you get a disinfectant product that removes impurities, bacteria and microorganisms.


  • 0.5 dl of coconut oil
  • 1 lemon juice

Preparation instructions

  • Melt the coconut oil in a water bath and stir in the lemon juice.
  • Store the mixture in an airtight container, preferably in a glass.


  • Apply the mixture on a wooden floor and polish with a dry mop
  • Allow to absorb without removing it from the floor.

3. Vinegar and olive oil

You can make your floor shine with vinegar and olive oil.


The mixture of vinegar and olive oil is a great cleaner and polish for wood floors and wooden furniture. The antimicrobial properties of the mixture remove the buttocks from the surfaces, giving it a beautiful shine.


  • 1 dl of vinegar
  • 1 dl olive oil

Preparation instructions

  • Pour the vinegar into a deep bowl.
  • Add the olive oil and mix well.


  • Spray the mixture on wooden surfaces and then polish with a soft cloth.
  • Clean until the surface looks clean and shiny.

4. Vinegar and jojoba oil

If for some reason olive oil is not a suitable option for you, you can increase the cleansing effect of vinegar with a drop of jojoba oil. This mixture works in the same way as the previous one and is also excellent for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces.


  • 1 dl of vinegar
  • 0.5 dl of jojoba oil

Preparation instructions

  • Combine the ingredients in a bowl and mix.


  • Place a splash of the mixture on a wooden surface and polish it with a rag or mop until the surface shines.
  • Leave on for a few minutes.

5. Almond oil

Almond oil contains moisturizing properties that make the wooden floor shine without much effort. Almond oil softens the wood surface and removes stubborn stains.


  • 0.5 dl of almond oil
  • 1 dl of water

Preparation instructions

  • Pour the oil into a bowl and add water and stir.
  • Avoid hot water as it will degrade the properties of the oil.


  • Spray the oil mixture on the wood surface you want to clean and polish with a piece of cloth.

Have you noticed that wooden floors or furniture have started to look dull and shabby? Try one of the natural cleansers we mentioned. As you can see, they are really easy to make yourself and are harmless to the environment.

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