The Miraculous Healing Properties Of Basil

This marvelous plant is also known as a sacred plant not only because of mythology, but because it seems to heal anything.
The miraculous healing properties of the basilica

Basil,  Ocimum basilicum,  is originally from Asia and belongs to the  Lamiaceae family. Its leaves are oval and faceted and its inflorescences grow in clusters and are white or pink. The basil usually grows to about 60 cm in height.

Read on to learn about the healing properties of basil.

Basil has a surprising number of healing properties and makes it easy to promote your health. Here are just a few of them!

Basil – a sacred herb

fresh basil

Basil is known to treat many ailments due to its many healing properties. Some of the benefits of basil:

  • This miraculous plant has analgesic ingredients that relieve and prevent muscle cramps, weakness and pain in different parts of the body.
  • Basil helps with fatigue, inflammation caused by physical fatigue, and helps relieve depression. It also helps control anxiety.
  • It can be rubbed on the skin to soothe cramps caused by menstrual cramps. Its soothing scent is used in many body oils.
  • Basil is an excellent insect repellent. Its antibacterial properties can be used for snake bites and other inflammatory bites.
  • Basil is used to heal wounds, it is found in creams made from natural ingredients.
  • Basil tea strengthens the defense system and the body’s defenses, as long as the tea basil is natural and in its original composition.

Basil cloves

In this article we will tell you how you can make basil herbs in your home.

fresh basil on a cutting board

Sore throat

Basil can be made into a syrup and used for dry sore throats and coughs.


  • 5 dl of water
  • 100 g of basil leaves
  • honey


  • Put the basil in boiling water.
  • Let simmer for a moment.
  • Pour into a mug and add 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • Drink whenever you feel a sore throat.

Skin care

women face

Basil is known for its longevity and is widely used in skin care. You can rub the basil on your skin every day. The skin gets a natural glow and the condition of the skin improves.


  • 1 basil leaf
  • 2.5 dl of water


  • Let the basil leaf simmer in boiled water for a moment.
  • Squeeze the leaf slightly.
  • When the water temperature is suitably warm for your skin, moisturize your skin by rubbing basil water on your face.
  • Use daily before going to bed.


Basil helps with acne

Basil  cleanses and removes toxins from the skin , making it healthier.


  • Eat 3-5 raw basil leaves in the mornings.
  • Make a face mask of the basil leaves and leave the leaves on for 30 min.

Basil improves digestion

basil helps with stomach pain

Basil allows you to cleanse your body of waste products and toxins. It also relieves inflammation and helps with the symptoms of heartburn, among other things.


  • 2 tablespoons basil
  • 2.5 dl of water


  • Wash the basil leaves and put them in a mug.
  • Add boiling water and simmer for 5 min.
  • Drink basil tea in the mornings.

Precautions for the use of basil

Basil is a natural medicinal herb, so its use should be discussed with your doctor first, as everyone may have different reactions to its use.

Pregnant women should restrict the use of basil to avoid complications.

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