Ten Treatments For Warts

Warts are mainly a cosmetic, albeit nasty nuisance. They are not dangerous, but try a natural cure for warts if they are irritating.
Ten treatments for warts

Warts are mainly a cosmetic, albeit nasty nuisance. They are not dangerous and have nothing to do with hygiene. Warts are benign tumors of the skin or mucous membranes caused by HPV ( human papilloma virus, human papilloma virus ).  Infection occurs through contact, and warts are more common in children than adults. The time from infection to wart appearance ranges from a few weeks to eight months.

Common warts are typically found on the hands or soles of the feet and rise from the skin in a hemispherical manner. The soles of the feet also have so-called mosaic warts that cause pain when walking. Warts in and under the nails are also common. Warts can also be filamentous, for example in the mouthpiece, eyelids or nostrils in children, sometimes even adults. In this article, we give ten different treatments for warts.

1. Yeast and castor oil

By mixing dry yeast and castor oil, you get a paste that you can apply directly to the wart overnight. Cover the wart with a patch to prevent the paste from spreading. Remove the patch in the morning and repeat if necessary.

2. Baking soda

baking soda as a cure for warts

You can try soaking the wart in baking soda. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a glass of water and soak the wart in water. You can pour baking soda and water into a flat container if the wart is on your foot or in an otherwise awkward place that requires you to swim your entire hand or other part of your body. Allow the soaked area to dry naturally, do not rinse off baking soda. Repeat regularly until the wart disappears.

3. Warts and diet

Diet can have an effect on the formation and removal of warts. Focus on eating foods that strengthen your immune system. Especially garlic, sweet potatoes, sunflower seeds and rice are good. Add them to your daily diet until the warts begin to disappear.

4. Garlic

garlic remedy for warts

Garlic contains two different substances that are good for health: Allicin and disulfide. Allicin was discovered in garlic in 1944, when it was found to be effective in killing bacteria and fungi.

Put chopped garlic or onion directly on the wart.  You can also eat raw garlic, for example, as part of a salad or on top of bread. The smell of garlic can be removed by chewing fresh parsley. If you can’t stand the smell or taste of garlic, you can enjoy garlic capsules found in health stores instead of raw garlic.

5. Hot water

Studies have shown that by simply soaking your wart in hot water, you can gradually get rid of it. Hot water softens the wart and helps kill the virus that caused it. Be careful with hot water and do not burn yourself.

6. Vitamin C.

orange cure for warts

Treat warts with vitamin C. Use a vitamin C tablet that you can crush into a powder and mix with water to get a convenient paste that is easy to apply directly to the wart. Cover the paste with a bandage or patch so that it does not spread. Vitamin C is high in natural acid, so it can accelerate wart disappearance.

7. Vitamin E.

Treat the wart with vitamin E. You can use this in the same way as vitamin C. Break the vitamin E tablet or use vitamin E oil. These can be found in pharmacies and wellness stores. Mix a drop of water into the crushed tablet to form a paste or rub the oil into the wart. Cover with a patch. Repeat the treatment three times a day. Be sure to remove the patch overnight to allow the skin to breathe and start treatment again in the morning.

8. Castor oil

Ricin contains an acid that irritates the wart and corrodes it. Castor oil works best on small, flat warts, especially on the back of the palm. Apply castor oil to the wart with a cotton swab twice a day.

9. Carrots

carrots in a bowl

Wash and peel the carrots, cut into pieces and put in a blender. Add a drop of olive oil to get a smooth mixture. Rub the paste on the wart twice a day and allow to absorb for half an hour. Repeat the treatment every day for two or three weeks.

10. Lemon juice

Use a sour lemon to remove the wart. Squeeze a drop of fresh lemon juice and rub on the wart. Make a bath of crushed onion and spread over the wart for half an hour. Cover the bath with gauze that you can tape in place. Repeat once a day for up to three weeks.

11. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera can also work great in removing warts. Use fresh aloe vera, cut one leaf and scrape the gel-like flesh out. Apply the gel to the wart with a cotton swab and cover with a patch. Repeat the treatment every day until the wart disappears.

Here, we introduced ten treatments for warts; try one or more of them if warts bother you too!

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