Teach Your Child To Sleep Through The Night

It is natural for a baby to sleep lightly during the first months of his life. There are a few ways you can help your child sleep better. Read on and learn more.
Teach your child to sleep through the night

Would you like to teach your child to sleep through the night? Let’s say right at the beginning that it’s not realistic to assume a baby would sleep through the night. It is perfectly normal for a baby to wake up several times during the night. Several parents would like their children to sleep all night, but not all adults sleep in the tube all night.

Even adults ’sleep rhythms include waking up in the middle of the night, but they will soon be able to fall asleep again. The baby can sleep well for 17 hours during the day, which includes waking time. There’s not much to teach your baby to sleep in, they’re great at it!

What should we know about children’s sleep?

The sleep rhythm of the newborn is different from the sleep rhythm of adults.

Human natural development also includes the development of sleep rhythm. In the brain of newborns, the sleep rhythm includes two to three hours of sleep at a time. When the baby wakes up, it is difficult for him to get back to sleep and therefore starts to cry.

While in the mother’s womb, the fetus sleeps most of the time. Between awakenings, the fetus receives nourishment through the umbilical cord and listens to the heartbeat of the mother.  When a baby is born, it literally wakes up.

Newborns wake up, cry, eat and go back to sleep. Their days are spent mainly in this way. It takes about 20 minutes for breast milk to thaw, while it takes about 2 hours for the substitute to thaw. Newborns repeat the same pattern from day to day.

My child used to sleep, but not anymore

During the first couple of months, the baby’s sleep is restful, but the sleep becomes lighter at the third or fourth month. The baby starts waking up more often during the night. Many mothers ring themselves because they feel they didn’t teach their baby to sleep well. The baby’s night awakening is actually normal as all babies develop a sleep rhythm and they begin to mature at this age. 

At eight months of age, the baby has reached all stages of sleep (four slow stages of sleep plus one stage of rapid sleep). At the age of three, a child’s sleep is like an adult’s sleep, except that it doesn’t last as long as an adult’s sleep. It is not until the age of five or six that the child has overcome all the difficulties associated with sleeping at night.

How do you get your child to sleep through the night?

Get your child to sleep through the night using a method that is right for your child.

It is quite normal to question one’s own parenting skills when something is wrong if the baby is crying and not sleeping. However, an atmosphere filled with worry, anxiety, and tension is the worst environment to encourage your baby to sleep through the night without waking up.

According to a few methods (Feber and Estivill), the baby is allowed to cry until the baby calms down. The baby falls asleep to fatigue after crying for a while after waiting for someone to calm him down. This is how the baby learns to calm himself. You have to decide for yourself if this is the right way for you and your baby.

According to Dr. Rosa Jove, who has written the book Sleeping without Tears, leaving a baby to cry causes an emotional shock. This affects the production of a hormone that regulates emotions and teaches the baby that his call will not be answered.

Pediatrician Carlos González has written two books, Kiss me a lot and How to raise your children with love. She explains that when the baby cries, she calls her mother, hoping the mother will answer the call. If the mother comes, the baby learns that her call will be answered.

However, she recommends that parents reduce contact with children in certain situations and says they don’t always have to compulsively comfort children because it doesn’t always have good effects. It is perfectly normal for a child to wake up at night and ask for help to fall asleep again.

This is how you help your child

After waking up many nights in a row several times a night, it is clear that you are tired. That’s why you want to get help for both yourself and your baby. We know it’s not easy to stay calm, but if you believe in ethical parenting methods, you know crying your baby isn’t an option.

We recommend that you stay calm until your baby’s sleep rhythm has developed sufficiently and he or she is able to regulate his or her own sleep rhythm. Even if you hear some method worked for some baby, it may not work for your baby. The daily rhythm of you and your baby will give you direction to find what works for both of you at night.

Create routines to make it easier to create the peaceful atmosphere your baby needs before going to bed. Here are some good options:

  • Give your baby a bath before going to bed.
  • Avoid using toys and colorful hanging toys in the baby’s bed as they will keep the baby awake.
  • When a child is over two years old and if he is watching TV or using a tablet, the use should not exceed two hours a day.
  • When your baby is really tired, going to bed can be awkward. Because of this, it is good to take a nap.
  • If the child is afraid of the dark or does not like the dark, leave the dim light on.
  • Avoid connecting with a nasty atmosphere and scolding or punishing when you go to bed. It is not good to attach penalties to going to bed.
  • Make your own ritual of going to bed. You can sing a lullaby, read a book, tell a story, or chat.
Similarly, a repetitive evening routine will help your baby sleep better.

It is up to the parents to decide what kind of child they will bring up. In any case, we consider it most important to appreciate the child’s sleep rhythm and the individual habits of each child. It’s important to remember that what worked for one baby may not work as well for another – so teach your child to sleep in ways that work for him or her.

Your baby will not stay as a baby forever. Nocturnal fatigue is a sign of your baby’s growth and development. Stay patient, your baby will grow fast. Today’s problem is behind you tomorrow, and you have time to rest in the future.

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