Sometimes A Caring Touch Fixes Everything

Sometimes physical contact is not even necessary. Praise or a kind word at the right time can be just as effective a help as a gentle touch.
Sometimes a caring touch fixes everything

Gentle touch is much more than just a gesture, and it is more than skin contact with another skin. Caring touch is a kind of language that gives you an experience of physical and emotional well-being. Simply put: a caring touch can help you nourish your emotions.

Some people don’t touch it this way, and others are too scared to do it. But while this may seem surprising, both not doing so and an unwillingness to be on an emotional level of communicating with others can cause suffering and be a great great emptiness in a person’s life.

Everyone needs a caring touch every day. It’s like breathing, because it strengthens the bond between you and the people you love and makes you feel important. That is why, here and there, we want to say more about that subject, that is, the importance of a caring touch for human well-being.

Gentle touch is like food for emotional well-being

touch of lions

Every living being needs physical contact to feel part of a group – his family. If you have pets at home, you may have noticed how grateful they are for your touch. They look for it both as a reward and as a way to get in touch with you.

Both humans and many other groups of animals in the wild have this need in conjunction with them to gain varying degrees of feelings of security and strength. Added to this, they gain through touch cohesion in their group, which is made up of the individuals they consider important to themselves.

Next, we take a closer look at the meaning of touch.

A gentle touch gives you an idea of ​​recognition

The need for recognition is not an egoistic need. Believe it or not, the experience of recognition is a vital human need. Yes, it is very essential to have a good self-esteem and love your own self, but the fact that man is also a social being cannot be ignored.

Therefore, man has a fundamental need to be identified.

  • Every child comes into this world in a way that needs bandages, and he or she forms his or her first attachments based on identification.
  • Caresses, hugs and kisses promote the development of a child’s brain tissue – these are all emotional stimulating things that give the child a sense of security and well-being.
  • All positive emotions contribute to the development of happiness.
  • As a person grows, caresses continue as an important part of your daily relationships with partners and children.
  • A couple who does not touch each other and does not seek the other’s physical contact may end up experiencing serious problems in their relationship.

Everyone needs to be held in their arms and caressed for no particular reason or purpose.

hand touch

Gesture is more effective than words

Sometimes it’s just not enough for someone to say they understand you and support and be by your side. Sometimes relationships drift into routine, and the parties to the relationship feel distant from each other. Or more damaging, they start taking things for granted.

  • Showing affection for either partners, adults, or children should never be something taken for granted. Instead, affection should be shown every day and even more in times when it is difficult.
  • In complex times, words are usually not enough. This is when the value of the caring touch begins to show – these  small, non-verbal gestures are much more important for emotional level relief.
  • If you say “I’m sorry, forgive me” or “I’m here with you,” it helps if you also give a sincere hug or an understanding look that gives you extra support, love, and a sense of comfort.

What types of caring contacts can there be?

There is no single caring touch. According to psychologists, there are good and also bad contacts.

Next, we look at these different forms of touch.

  • There are touches that can occur without physical contact: Praise, praise, or the right word when needed can have the same effect as touch.
  • Negative contact arises from toxic behavior.
  • If you speak to someone contemptuously or sarcastically, or you don’t care about them or belittle them in public, this is perceived on a psychological level as a “negative touch” that attacks a person’s self-esteem.
  • Caressing can also produce a positive or negative feeling. There are touches that, instead of giving a sense of security, cause a cold or fake feeling that can also be very painful for a person.
  • The right tender touch is genuine and sincere, and it must be known from both the giver and the recipient.
  • There are also conditional and absolute gentle touches.
    • By conditional, we mean here that someone can show you affection through touch because they want to get something for themselves.
    • Absolute tender touch is something that is offered without expectation of some return service. It is a genuine gesture of identification and affection.
longing for touch

According to emotion experts, people need this kind of language for both physical and psychological well-being. It is important to remember that these gestures only work if they are given by the right person and in the right way.

The gentle touch must be genuine and completely sincere, and both the giver and the recipient must feel it this way.

Start today and practice a caring touch with your children or partner. A tender, loving touch, when least expected, can be the greatest power of the entire universe to reduce stress and strengthen the bond between people.

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