Smoothie Recipes For Depression, Fatigue And Stress

Smoothie recipes for depression, fatigue and stress

Did you know that almond milk is full of iron and can help your muscles recover? It also raises the body’s energy level. Avocados are also a great way to give your body an extra dose of energy and prevent fatigue. Enjoy them easily in the form of smoothies. Read easy smoothie recipes that will help with many effort!

Insomnia, worries, and many other things in life often lead to momentary or chronic fatigue and lack of energy, leaving you feeling miserable, slow, and in a negative mood.

It is perfectly normal for the body to begin to show and feel the negative effects of prolonged stress, physical exertion, and other factors.

Smoothie recipes for many hassles

Now that we recognize that energy shortages, mood swings, and fatigue can strike at any moment, it’s important to know that there are a few natural ways to revitalize energy stores, motivate, and recharge your batteries.

In this article, we will share with you delicious smoothie recipes. These smoothies help prevent and treat stress, depression and fatigue. 

1. Smoothie to prevent fatigue

smoothie recipes;  avocadosmoothie

Fatigue can be caused by a poorly slept night, physical overexertion, or taking on many different things or work at the same time without adequate rest breaks.

The best treatment for fatigue and stress is rest and recovery and relaxation of the body, but in some cases it is also worth trying to energize the body through food. Smoothies made from natural ingredients give the body plenty of energy.

Combine almond milk, avocado and lemon, and you get a delicious, nutritious drink that rejuvenates your body without excessive calories.


  • 500 ml of almond milk
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 walnut
  • 2 lemon slices for decoration


  • Use refrigerated almond milk, scrape the avocado fruit flesh and add them to the blender. Stir in the lemon juice and walnut.
  • Mix all the ingredients until smooth and pour into a glass.
  • Garnish with a couple of lemon slices.

2. Energizing smoothie to ward off fatigue

smoothie recipes;  beetroot

Fatigue is usually accompanied by negative emotions, mood swings, and nausea.

Sometimes fatigue is the first sign of an illness, but in today’s world, fatigue is usually the result of a busy life and hard work pace.

This energizing drink is made from 100% natural ingredients and combines the refreshing effect of carrots, beets and apples to rejuvenate the body and improve its functioning.


  • 3 carrots
  • 1 beetroot
  • 1 apple
  • 2 celery sticks
  • half a large cucumber
  • 100 ml of water


  • Before you start making a drink, wash carrots, beets, apples, celery and cucumbers thoroughly to remove chemicals.
  • Cut all the ingredients into large pieces and pour into a blender with a glass of water. Water facilitates the mixing of ingredients and makes it more fluid.
  • Stir the drink evenly. You can add a few ice cubes to make the drink colder and more refreshing – this is especially suitable for hot summer days when you need refreshment.
  • You can also make juice from this drink using the ingredients in the juicer.

3. Smoothie to prevent fatigue and stress

smoothie recipes;  Tomato juice

Fatigue and stress often go hand in hand and make life considerably more difficult. When tired, the body cannot cope properly, and the mind is foggy and irritated.

It is difficult to treat both stress and fatigue, but certain nutrients have a clear link to improved mood and energy levels. By consuming these foods, you can restore some of your body’s missing energy and improve your state of being.

This delicious smoothie contains lettuce, tomato and parsley and is rich in useful nutrients that relieve both fatigue and stress.


  • 4 lettuce leaves
  • 2 tomatoes
  • a handful of parsley
  • 2 celery sticks
  • 100 ml of water


  • Wash salad, tomato, parsley and celery thoroughly. Cut into pieces and pour with water into a blender. Stir evenly, making sure there are no lumps left in the drink.
  • Refrigerate the drink in the refrigerator for a few hours or add a few ice cubes to the smoothie. This makes the drink refreshing and fresh.

4. Smoothie for anxiety relief

smoothie recipes for anxiety

When anxiety is accompanied, you can feel really embarrassed and scared and not have the ability to concentrate. Anxiety absorbs energy and makes you feel exhausted and low in mind. You will not be able to enjoy your day properly anxious.

Anxiety can lead to cravings for snacking and an increased feeling of hunger, which in turn causes the brain to slow down.

To improve your mental balance and prevent snoring, prepare this delicious drink.


  • 2 tablespoons oats
  • 1 ripe pear
  • 1 glass of mint tea, 200 ml
  • 1 tablespoon honey


  • Wash pear and cut into pieces in a blender. Add mint tea, oats and honey.
  • Stir until smooth, a couple of minutes will suffice. Enjoy the drink fresh without strainer.

These simple smoothie recipes can make you feel much better and you can enjoy them at any time of the year when you need extra energy and refreshment.

Smoothies are not a cure for stress or fatigue, but they do make you feel better. However, also remember to set aside enough time per day for sleeping and relaxing – these will prevent fatigue and stress in the long run.

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