Sleep Better With Homemade Pillow Spray

Sleep better with a homemade pillow spray

Have you heard of pillow sprays ? Pillow sprays can be found in many interior design and wellness stores , but they can also be easily made yourself. You can spray a touch of pillow spray with a relaxing, sensory-refreshing scent right on your pillow before bed, and you’ll be sure to sleep on the lands of your sleep.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the effectiveness of pillow sprays and how they can be made at home.

The pillow spray is made from scented water with a gentle and soft scent that is meant to be sprayed on the pillow. The soft scent relaxes the mind and body, pampers the senses and helps you sleep better. Relaxing ingredients are often added to pillow sprays, which are also often used in aromatherapy.

Benefits and use of pillow spray


Pillow sprays are the latest addition to enhance sleep and refresh your bed. Some are accustomed to sleeping in a small bag of dried flowers and herbs under a pillow (potpourri), but a pillow spray is an even easier way to relax your body and mind when you go to bed, as just a few sprays on the pillow are enough and no need to keep the spray under the pillow.

You are certainly aware of the effect of certain scents on your senses, emotions, and physical well-being. Some scents soothe, others stimulate and refresh. Lavender, for example, is often considered to have a relaxing effect, while lemon evokes the senses and keeps the mind fresh.

Essential oils are used in aromatherapy and various cosmetic products. Essential oils are extracted directly from plants or inflorescences such as lavender, geranium, tea tree and vanilla. Sprayed on a pillow, these scents soothe and bring sleep. For everyone, the same scents don’t work the same way, so choose the scent you like that relaxes, soothes, and brings back fond memories and thoughts.

It is important to keep in mind that if you suffer from severe sleep problems, pillow spray may not be helpful, and you should always seek professional help for severe insomnia. Pillow sprays are intended as a small comfortable pampering supplement for your bedtime routine and body relaxation.

Pillow sprays are manufactured e.g. French L’Occitane , but unfortunately everyone’s budget is not enough for these products. Why pay for malt when you can make a similar product at home with little effort, and even more cheaply! Choose the fragrance you like and even create a whole set of your own pillow sprays for different situations.

This is how you do a pillow spray at home

manufacture of pillow spray

In aromatherapy, essential oils are used externally and individual oil selection is made in collaboration with the client. The scent of the oil should please the customer, ie the customer also influences which essential oil is used in the treatment. The same is true for pillow sprays. If you hate the scent of lavender and don’t feel it relaxing, even replace it with a rose or other plant whose essential oil scent is pleasing to your nose.

Below is a guide to one of our favorite pillow sprays. I hope you try it!

What do you need?

  • Half a liter of distilled water.
  • Half a vanilla bar (these can be found in almost all stores. The vanilla bar is a dark brown tubular bar with a slightly oily texture).
  • Peel of a half orange.
  • 5 drops of vanilla and lemon blossom essential oil.
  • Spray bottle.

How is it done?

  • Making a pillow spray is easy! First of all, you need to boil the water in a pot. When the water boils, add the grated orange peel and vanilla. Bring to the boil for two minutes, stirring constantly. Cooking the mixture releases the strong aromas of vanilla and orange into the water.
  • Allow the water to cool and strain the vanilla and orange peel off. When the water is completely cooled, add the essential oils (5 drops each). The vanilla bean can be saved for later use, for example in baking or in a new spray.
    vanilla pod
  • We’re crazy about the combination of vanilla and orange, as their scent together is very floral and still citrusy. This fragrance will relax you immediately.
  • Pour water into a spray bottle. Store the bottle in the refrigerator. The mixture remains usable for three weeks. Be sure to use distilled water, as ordinary tap water contains chemicals that, along with other ingredients, can lead to rapid spoilage, discoloration and a strange odor. If you find that the pillow spray has lost its scent, you can always make a new one.
  • Use the spray every night before going to bed and spray it all over the pillow. When you lay your head on the pillow, you will notice how lovely the scent is – you will sleep much better!
  • Making a pillow spray is easy and inexpensive, and remember that you can try all sorts of different fragrance combinations. Our favorites are rose, cedar and cinnamon! You can also use a pillow spray to freshen up the room air, as it is a completely natural blend and does not contain any chemicals.

We do not recommend the use of essential oils or pillow sprays for people who are sensitive to odors, as they can cause symptoms such as an allergic reaction, such as runny eyes and nose.

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