Say Goodbye To Joint Pain – 5 Remedies

Say goodbye to joint pain - 5 remedies

Do you suffer from joint pain? In this article, we will give you five good ways to prevent and relieve joint pain.

Everyone suffering from joint pain feels the following situation: you wake up tired in the morning, as if you had put a lot of strain on yourself the day before, it is difficult and painful to move your hands, and the descent down the stairs hurts to your knees. What the heck would help with disgusting joint pain? Read on and we’ll tell you the best ways to relieve joint pain – you can embrace these means into everyday life and keep the pain at bay for longer.

Ways to relieve joint pain naturally

Many people suffer from joint pain due to either rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. Pain is not always getting rid of, but with it you can learn to live by adopting certain strategies that ease the pain and maintain a good quality of life. Your doctor’s instructions should always be followed and anti-inflammatory drugs should not be used constantly as they can cause harmful side effects.

There are completely natural ways to relieve joint pain and inflammation, so try the following tricks:

1. Eat ginger every day

Ginger can relieve joint pain

A study by the University of Miami shows that two capsules of ginger ingested each day can relieve joint pain and inflammation. Ginger can work even more effectively than ibuprofen and does not cause any side effects such as stomach pain and circulatory problems.

Ginger chapels can be purchased at health stores and large supermarkets and are recommended to be consumed every day. A tablespoon of fresh, grated ginger twice a day mixed with water will drive the same thing. However, ginger has a strong spicy taste, so consuming it in itself can be tricky. So try capsules instead.

2. Avoid certain foods

People with joint problems should avoid milk

Make sure you avoid the following foods if you suffer from joint problems. These foods are best eliminated from the diet altogether or ingested only in small amounts:

  • Lactose. Lactose contains milk protein that causes swelling and inflammation in the joints. If you love milk and yogurt, try switching them to almond milk and soy yogurt, for example. Make the transition slowly and slowly so it doesn’t feel like such a big change. There are many different flavors in soy yoghurts, and even today there is yogurt made from coconut milk. There are also many vegetable-based drinks, such as almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk, soy milk, hazelnut milk, etc.
  • Red meat. Remove red meat, mainly pork, and beef completely from your diet, as they are not very healthy meat options. Red meat increases the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood and can cause calcification of the blood vessels. Eat fish and chicken instead.
  • Wheat. Wheat and many other grains contain gluten, which can cause pain and swelling in the joints, especially in people with rheumatoid arthritis. Many of us love bread, but because of the joints, it’s worth giving it up little by little. Change the pasta to rice and leave out the wheat bread altogether. A gluten-free diet brings relief to the lives of many people with joint problems. Gluten-free doesn’t work for everyone, but it’s worth a try.
  • Eggs. Do not eat too many eggs, as their yolk is high in cholesterol, which can aggravate inflammation in the joints. Eggs are largely healthy because of the protein, and they are often safe to eat, but if you suffer from joint problems, remove the yolk and eat only the protein – this will also significantly reduce calories. An omelet or fried egg works just fine without yolk, and soon you won’t need it at all anymore.
  • Avoid tomatoes, peppers and eggplant, as if eaten raw, they can cause e.g. migraine and inflammation in the joints. People with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis are particularly susceptible to the effects of these herbs. Replace these vegetables with a carrot, for example, as it is completely safe for the joints.

3. Start your morning with green tea

Green tea relieves the pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis

Do you like green tea? If so, you are on the right path! Namely, green tea is rich in antioxidants that prevent rheumatoid arthritis and relieve the pain it causes. Drink green tea in the mornings and also replace coffee with it.

4. Vitamin E is your biggest helper

Vitamin E helps treat rheumatoid arthritis

You’re certainly aware of the positive effects of vitamin E on your entire body, but did you know that it’s also a great ‘green’ option for treating rheumatoid arthritis? Enjoy vitamin E two capsules a day. Vitamin E can be found in pharmacies, health stores and often supermarkets as well. Vitamin E is especially found in green vegetables such as lettuce and spinach, but to get it in the amount needed to treat joint problems, it is recommended to take it in capsules every day.

5. Foods that reduce pain and improve mood

Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are painful, life-threatening diseases that can sometimes be problematic to treat. The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is not known, but it has been found that its onset is influenced by several different factors.

Although rheumatoid arthritis is not an inherited disease, susceptibility to the disease can be inherited. The importance of hormones is indicated by the fact that the disease is clearly more common in women than men, as well as the fact that the disease may break out or symptoms worsen after pregnancy. The chance of getting sick increases if a close relative has rheumatoid arthritis. Fortunately, there are foods that can help control inflammation and pain and keep the mind positive. Take these factors into account when choosing food:

  • Eat only fresh food, i.e. vegetables and fruits. Exclude frozen foods and prepared meals that contain chemicals and preservatives that can aggravate inflammation.
  • Dried fruits. Nuts like almond, pistachio and pecan provide a lot of energy and are a really healthy snack.
  • Lemon juice. Lemon juice is full of antioxidants, and especially when eaten on an empty stomach in the morning, it can help treat inflammation.
  • Cod liver oil. The old people’s favorite cod liver oil is full of Omega-3 fatty acids that keep joints mobile and prevent them from hardening. Enjoy this for a teaspoon every day.
  • Organic apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar relieves pain and is good for health.
  • Quinoa and amaranth. Have you tried these yet? They are real superfoods that you should definitely try. They help with joint pain.

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