Red Juice To Help With Healthy Weight Loss

Red juice can contain a lot of antioxidants and vitamins that are good for the body while also promoting weight loss.
Red juice to help with healthy weight loss

Red juice is a great addition to a weight loss diet. Weight loss is the goal of many today. This is not a bad thing if you are really overweight and adopt good eating habits while giving up processed food and soft drinks.

In order to lose and maintain optimal weight, it is important that the methods available have balanced nutritional properties. In addition, you should try to use methods that are simple and effective and do not involve excessive intake of any food. Health is about quality, not quantity.

In this article, we will tell you what we know about weight loss, where the diet includes red juice. Most of them are both healthy and cheap.

Red fruits and berries

red juice or smoothie

Red-toned fruits and berries contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. In addition, they can help you in different ways. For example, they maintain the beauty of the skin and promote weight loss.

Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, watermelons, grapes, and pomegranates are just a few examples of groups of red fruits. Most of them are good sources of vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, calcium and iron, among others.

These vitamins and minerals provide the skin with many benefits and cleanse the entire body. They are also diuretic and laxative. These properties promote cleansing of the body.

When you make red mixed juice, you can strengthen the properties of these fruits. That way you get the vitamins and minerals from all the fruits that red juice contains.

Due to the high water content of red juice, you get more fluids. It therefore helps to improve the diuretic action of the juice.

Alkalinity of red juice

Juices made from red fruits give you a large amount of nutrients, antioxidants and alkalizing or alkalizing substances. For that reason, they are ideal for weight loss while improving health.

The importance of alkalinity is due to the fact that it helps the body fight acidity caused by several factors. This can be due to insufficient nutrients, lack of physical activity, pollution, and all the harmful habits of a low-moving lifestyle.

Red juice also helps burn the fat that has accumulated in the stomach. Its natural sugar content helps to consume less fine sugar and thus helps prevent weight gain.

Below we have put together red fruits that you can use to make red juice. Take advantage of all their benefits and flavors!


Manufacture of red juice

It is not necessary to follow any particular recipe. All you need are red fruits and / or berries, and you can mix them depending, of course, on their availability and your own preference.

You can use and mix, among other things, the following fruits:

Red grapes

Grapes contain a large amount of resveratrol, an important antioxidant. It is found mainly in grape skins and seeds.

Resveratrol is also good for skin health. In fact, some cosmetic products even use it in their ingredients.


Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants. They are slightly larger than apples and their harvest season is autumn and winter.


This fruit is especially refreshing as it contains a lot of liquid – which makes it an ideal ingredient for drinks.

Much of the value of watermelon lies in the fact that it improves the body’s ability to remove and regulate the amount of fluid stored. This is due, among other things, to its high potassium content. It is good for people who tend to accumulate fluid in their body.

Red berries

The selection of these berries is excellent in terms of taste. They are also great sources of antioxidants.

When you make juice from these berries, you get a purer texture.

Red apples

red apples

In addition to their natural sugar production, apples also contain a lot of fluids, which is good for weight loss.

Most apples are really healthy, but try to use red tones when making red juice. Also, make sure you include the shell, as its high fiber content acts as a body cleanser.

This is how it is made

  • Stir and combine different red fruits depending on what is available.
  • Ideally use seasonal, locally grown red fruits.
  • Chop and mix the fruit in a blender with enough water as desired.

Additional recommendations

The main recommendation we can give you when making red juice is that you do not add extra sugar. The fruit is already rich in natural sugar. If you like sweeter drinks, use more ripe red fruits. You can also cheat a little and add the ripe banana to the blender to make the drink sweeter.

Also, make sure you add the fruit peel and seeds (after washing them properly). The peel contains most of the properties of the fruit, as do the seeds.

To also optimize the absorption of vitamins and minerals in the fruit, add a little extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil or flaxseed oil to the red juice.

Remember that the individual ingredients do not work wonders or work on their own. For that reason, you need to stay active and maintain a healthy and balanced diet at all times.

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