“Plank ” – Awesome Muscle Movement For The Whole Body

The plank movement helps to firm several areas of the body at the same time – you get great benefits from it to improve the condition of the muscles in the legs, buttocks, back and abdomen. Read more about the benefits of the plank business!
"Plank" - awesome muscle movement for the whole body

If you want to reach a healthy weight and get a slim body, a good exercise routine is a very important factor. Exercise also helps reduce fat in a specific area of ​​the body and at the same time gives your body energy to burn calories more efficiently.

Sometimes, however, lack of time, experiencing difficulty in movement, or personal situations cause us to say “no” to regular exercise. If you skip exercise, you also say no to the possibility of being healthier.

Those who don’t like regular exercise will get reasons to start this article, as this one movement may change the way you think about exercise. Namely, we present an alternative way to exercise, and this can be very useful for you who want to lose weight as well as stay healthy!

This exercise is known as the plank movement. It has gained popularity around the world as it is a very effective movement that focuses on strengthening the most important muscles in the abdominal area.

In addition to the abdominal muscles, the plank movement also engages other muscle groups in your body, so it fits extremely well into a weight loss exercise routine.

In order to see with your own eyes the results brought by the plank movement, you need to use a little of your willpower. This movement should be repeated every day and should be done at least once a day, for several minutes.

However, plank movement is no easy movement – you need to learn to support the weight of your body with just your hands and feet, and stay in position for several minutes at a time.

Sounds tough, but if you hold this position, you activate several muscle groups in your body at the same time. The result is a stronger back, firmer buttocks (with less cellulite), shapely legs, a flatter stomach, and more trained-looking arms.

Are you interested? Keep reading, because next we will tell you more about this simple movement and its benefits!

What is a plank shop and why is it such a good fitness shop?

plank shop weight loss

The plank movement is a static exercise, so you have to keep your body in the same, certain position for a longer period of time – so you can’t move during the exercise at all.

To start making a plank movement, lie down with your face facing the floor. Hook your elbows at a 90-degree angle so that they are in line with your shoulders. At this point, your body should form a straight line from head to toe and support yourself only with your forearms and toes. 

In order to maintain your position for a longer period of time, you need to tense your abdominal muscles . At the same time, your hips should stay high in the air.

plank movement and strong abdominal muscles

Try to hold the position for only one or two minutes at first. Gradually, as your stamina increases, you will be able to be in this position for five minutes or more at a time.

  • Feet : You may find it difficult to stay balanced on the plank, so increase the tension in your abdominal muscles to improve your posture.
  • Thighs and lower legs: they should be stretched and together so that you can keep the pressure effective in the main muscles of your abdomen as well as in the lower part of your spine.
  • Hindquarters : The gluteal muscles are tightly compressed during this movement and activate several muscle groups in the lower part of your central body.
  • Lower Back : This part of your body is very important so that you can do plank movement in the right way and effectively. Your lower back should be straight, and in no case should it be in an arc – So imagine pressing it firmly against a wall during movement.
  • Abdomen: This movement should tighten your abdominal muscles to a position where you feel pressure, but do not hold your breath.
  • Elbows : Your elbows should be below your shoulders, and your arms should have a straight line to your shoulders so as not to put too much strain on your elbows.

Tips for practicing planking

The idea of ​​this movement is to keep the same position for as long as you can. Planking is not an easy business, but the benefits it brings are incredibly great.

If you are not used to a lot of exercise, but want to start practicing this movement, you can do it for 10-15 seconds first, and get used to it gradually. If you have already exercised regularly, you can start with up to two minutes – then you can rest and repeat the exercise up to five times.

If you’re not used to planking or strenuous exercise, don’t start aiming for a world record right from the start. Remember that the idea is to gradually increase the time spent in the position so that you can end up in the plank position for several minutes and without any problems.

Plank business and its benefits

plank shop woman
  • The gluteal muscles tighten: the plank movement puts the muscles of the back to work, as do the hamstrings. This is why it is a very good movement if you want to firm your buttocks and at the same time shed cellulite – this is one of the great by-products of the plank shop.
  • Your back strengthens: the plank movement engages the muscles of your back as well as your shoulders and neck. It is recommended that you start doing this movement if you want to prevent neck and lower back problems in the future. The plank is also great for those who want to relax their back muscles after they have lifted something heavy.
  • Your thighs and lower legs become firmer: during this movement you feel a small burning sensation in your lower limbs. Don’t worry, it just means you’re doing the plank movement just the way it should.
  • Your abdomen is slimming: the plank movement forces the muscles on the sides and lower abdomen to contract, thus making them firm.

If you’ve never done planking before, give it a try and be surprised! You will notice its effective effects as a conditioner and firmer for your body.

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