Making Fruit Stews: 5 Easy Recipes

Fruit stews are a good way to keep your body hydrated. If you don’t like to drink plain water, try these delicious recipes!
Making fruit stews: 5 easy recipes

The production of fruit pods is a great way to increase your daily fluid intake. As many already know for sure, hydrating the body is important for both physical and mental well-being. For this reason, it is often recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

The problem is that many don’t like to drink plain water because its taste may not always taste good. For this reason, fruit waters have become popular, especially among people who follow a healthy lifestyle.

In this article, we present five fruit stews to make at home.

Making fruit stews: five recipes

Making fruit stews themselves is a good way to expand the range of flavors in your drinks. This way, the water alone will not start to saturate and you will also get more nutrients. Remember that fruits are full of good vitamins, minerals and antioxidants for health. So you should try the following fruit stews!

1. Fruit stew with raspberries and mint

Raspberries can be used to make tasty fruit stews

The first fruit stew we recommend is made from raspberries and mint. These ingredients contain antioxidants, fiber and minerals to help the body stay healthy and hydrated. If you don’t have raspberries, you can replace them with strawberries.


  • 200 g of raspberries
  • 5 dl of water
  • mint (according to your taste)


  • Boil water first.
  • When it starts to boil, add the raspberries and mint and then let them stand at room temperature.
  • Put the drink in the refrigerator after this.
  • Drink two to three times a day.

2. Fruit stew from oranges and blueberries

This delicious stew is ideal for hydrating the body and strengthening the immune system. Both oranges and blackberries contain vitamin C, which is an essential nutrient for resistance. The drink is also easy to digest as it contains the perfect combination of water and fiber.


  • 2 oranges
  • 200 g of blackberries
  • 5 dl of water


  • First chop the oranges into several slices and wash the blackberries.
  • Boil water and add fruit.
  • Once the water has cooled to warm, put it in the refrigerator and add ice.
  • Drink two to three times a day.

3. Fruit stew with cranberries and lime

Fruit stew made from cranberries and lime

In addition to cooling, this fruit stew helps fight urinary tract infections and indigestion. In addition, its antioxidants help fight oxidative stress and strengthen the body’s resistance to viruses and bacteria.


  • 200 g of cranberries
  • 3 limes
  • 750 ml of water
  • Ice cubes (according to your taste)


  • Wash the cranberries and place them in a jug filled with water.
  • Cut the limes into slices and add the slices to the water.
  • Let the drink stand for at least two hours to intensify the taste.
  • After this time, add ice to your liking and enjoy.
  • You can drink this three to four times a day.

4. Fruit stew of oranges and kiwis

A fruit stew made from oranges and kiwis keeps the body hydrated and at the same time provides an extra dose of vitamin C. Drinking it regularly helps to improve kidney function by stimulating the removal of fluids that have accumulated in the body. It is also a very tasty drink.


  • 2 oranges
  • 3 peeled kiwis
  • 750 ml of water


  • Chop the oranges into several slices without peeling them.
  • Peel the kiwis and chop them as desired.
  • Put the ingredients in a jug filled with water.
  • Leave the incubator in the refrigerator for two hours.
  • Drink three to four times a day.

5. Fruit stew from watermelon and coconut water

Fruit stew made of watermelon

The combination of watermelon and coconut water is simply very refreshing. You can enjoy this drink especially on hot summer days, but also regularly at other times to increase your intake of healthy fluids.


  • 200 g watermelon pieces
  • 750 ml of coconut water
  • ½ lemon juice


  • Peel a watermelon and chop it into several pieces.
  • When you have the right amount, put the pieces in a container and fill the container with coconut water.
  • Leave the drink for about two hours and then add half the lemon juice.
  • Add ice to your liking and enjoy!

Now that you know how to make delicious fruit stews, make them work wonders at home. From these recipes, the body gets important nutrients in addition to other benefits.

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