Long Distance Relationship Prevents Hugging, But No Emotions

In order to prevent the distance involved in a long-distance relationship from damaging your relationship, it is important that both parties understand the situation and trust the other fully.
The long distance relationship prevents hugging, but not emotion

The distance between two people who love each other is like a string that binds two hearts together. Love still exists, but there is always fear – the fear that the miles between the parties will break the firmness of the gaze and separate the two bodies that were so close to each other some time ago. Such is the long distance relationship.

In the course of life, it is common for a person to have to resign – for whatever reason it does – from someone who is dear to him. Sometimes it’s a romantic partner, and sometimes it’s a child.

Work is the most common reason for these mandatory differences to come, and while this may not be a permanent separation, the bond and relationship between two people can be a tough challenge. Doubts, fears, and most of all, longing for another person enter the patterns.

However, sincere feelings allow a bond to be maintained if there are two people who know how to handle these complex and important situations. Such people understand that distance is only about a lack of physical contact – not a sense of absence.

This time, we are dealing with a topic called long-distance relationships and the challenges it brings to intimacy. Have you ever been in this situation yourself and wondered how your relationship is going?

Distance separates two souls

When people start a relationship, it is never possible to know what challenges may lie ahead. So when you’re building a bond with someone else, you need to be clear on a few things:

  • Loving means knowing how your efforts should be directed.
  • Loving another person is always a risk.
  • A stable, mature, and conscious relationship is one in which people are able to adapt to the difficulties that come before them. These situations may be those for which neither party is prepared in advance.

In today’s changing, competitive and complex society, it is common for a person to have to move to another place in order to improve, for example, their financial situation or education.

While it would be very sensible to tackle these challenges together, this is not always a possible option. This can be the case for at least some time, and then some of the problems we will discuss next often come to the fore.


woman hugging the moon

Remote transmission and uncertainty

Doubt, fear, and mistrust are usually the biggest enemies of long-distance relationships.

Some of you have then adapted to another person, the “other half” or your partner, and then a space opens up between you. Miles separate you from each other, and doubt creeps into your mind. You may feel like you are losing part of yourself.

Uncertainty about whether one still loves is the biggest problem in long-distance relationships. Therefore, it is common for people in these situations to require more calls, messages, or other moments of interaction to strengthen the connection with another. What is needed instead, however, is to appease fears.

This can be a very complex matter.

Long distance relationship: who can do that and who can’t?

Experts specializing in relationships say that not everyone is ready to maintain a long-distance relationship.

  • People with low self-esteem, for example, experience more disorders related to attachment to another person, and they need immediate reinforcement and intimacy, which, however, cannot materialize when people are separated from each other.
  • If a person has a poor self-esteem, low self-esteem, or severe insecurity, jealousy and mistrust can manifest, which then causes a lot of suffering to the other party.
  • On the other hand, those who are in good psychological health and who are emotionally mature can form a commitment to their partner, especially based on trust, while staying in harmony with the person they love.
  • However, this does not mean that these people would not suffer from homesickness, lack of physical connection and intimacy, lack of consensus gazes, and other similar things.

When you love another person from your heart, and when there is peace in your mind, this is the result of having confidence despite the distance.

Tips for maintaining a long distance relationship


long distance relationship

As we mentioned earlier, in both respects, the personality of the party is vital to whether a person can remain strong while he or she is separated from his or her partner.

However, there are some things that are important factors in whether a long distance relationship succeeds or not.

  • Your distance must have a purpose that is understood and accepted by both parties to the relationship. It should be clear in every relationship that ultimately aims to create life together and build a common space where you can spend your days side by side.
  • However, if that doesn’t happen, and if you don’t understand the other person or understand why he or she has to leave, it can be very difficult to maintain a relationship.
  • Build trust and respect each other in every moment. Despite the fact that you may be in different places on the map, this does not mean that you still do not have a common emotional space.
  • Regardless of your distance, you should remain sincere.

If at some point it is not possible to take a Skype call, or if you are busy, for example, the other person should understand this without causing worry and assuming the worst things.

The distance is only temporary. This is the most important thing to remember when in a long distance relationship. If a couple gets separated in this way, the parties should remember that each day that passes is one day for the moment we are together again.

Remember that your strength, sorrow, and longing must have a purpose.

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