Liver Cleansing Regimen Helps To Lose Weight

A liver cleansing regimen helps in weight loss

A good liver cleansing regimen will include certain ingredients such as oils, salt, juices or natural supplements to improve the functioning of that organ. There are various “recipes” to cleanse the liver . When the liver is clean, you are healthier, because the most important function of the liver is to help the body get rid of everything unnecessary. A liver cleansing regimen also helps with weight loss.

Liver cleansing regimen: what you need to know about it?

First, you need to know the effects of liver cleansing. The effects are usually interesting, especially for those who either want to lose weight or have damaged their liver in some way.

The primary causes of obesity or overweight are overeating and lack of exercise. These cause the body to start storing food by turning it into fat.

A person with liver damage can suffer from impaired urination, bladder stenosis, soft stools, or constipation, all of which are caused by the accumulation of unnecessary, toxic materials in the body. As a result of cleansing the liver, these toxins are eliminated, the  liver is able to do its job better and the metabolism improves. The faster and more efficient your metabolism, the easier it will be to lose weight.

While a liver cleansing regimen helps with weight loss effectively, it should not be done the wrong way or for this reason alone. Before starting treatment, it is best to discuss this with your doctor and learn what you may or may not be able to eat. Remember that this does not cure diseases or liver complication. Do not abuse the cleaning as it is not good for your health. If you want to do the treatment again, wait a reasonable time between cleansings.

liver cleansing regimen

There are various recipes to cleanse the liver. They help increase bowel movements so that the liver and bladder eliminate everything the body doesn’t need. During the shaking course, we recommend that you  avoid excessive fumbling or lifting heavy objects and instead stay at home as calmly as possible. Do not go to bed immediately after taking the chosen “cleansing recipe” as it may lead to dizziness, nausea or vomiting.

Why is a liver cleansing regimen necessary?

Mainly due to lifestyles; unbalanced diet and lack of exercise.

Your liver produces more fat than you need and stores it in your body. It would be important to do a liver cleansing or detox treatment from time to time so that you can improve your liver function and raise your energy levels. This can help you exercise more, get up earlier in the morning, and work more efficiently at work or school.

In general, you will feel much better in many different ways after cleansing. Some say that their skin type changed with the cleansing of the liver: for example, acne faded its smooth way. In addition, most people who have tried this cleansing have reported that it helped them lose weight.

How to cleanse the liver

The work the liver does every day accumulates toxins in it. The purpose of liver cleansing is to remove those unwanted residues.

You can repeat this process up to three times a year. Keep in mind the following effective liver cleansing recipes :

  • Grapefruit juice with garlic and ginger : Do this over the weekend. You will need two grapefruits, four lemons, two cloves of garlic, a piece of ginger, 300 ml of distilled water and two tablespoons of olive oil. Squeeze the grapefruits and lemons, grate the ginger and crush the garlic cloves. Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix well. Drink in the evening before going to bed. This recipe also helps strengthen the immune system.
Liver cleansing juice
  • Orange juice with garlic and olive oil : you need half a dec of olive oil, half a dec of fresh orange juice, half a tablespoon of grated ginger and half a tablespoon of dried garlic. Stir in a blender and drink before going to bed. Lie on your right side. Repeat this for three nights in a row.

Foods that help cleanse the liver

In addition to the recipes mentioned above, you can prepare your body for a cleansing regimen a week before and / or keep it on a “non-toxic path” a week after. For this we recommend the following dishes:

  • Whole grain : contains vitamin B and improves fat metabolism as well as liver function.
  • Green tea : contains a lot of useful antioxidants (catechins) that help the liver.
The antioxidants in green tea benefit the liver
  • Grapes : they provide natural sugars and a lot of antioxidants that also activate liver cleansing and bile production.
  • Apples : contain large amounts of pectin and chemical components that help the body remove toxins from the digestive tract.
  • Carrots and beets : high in flavonoids and beta-carotene, both of which stimulate liver function.
  • Leafy vegetables : are a great help in cleansing the liver due to the chlorophyll they contain, which absorbs toxins from the bloodstream and thus protects this very important organ.
  • Olive oil : very useful when used in moderation.
  • Eggplant : used to activate bladder functions.
  • Broadleaf endives and endives: both are bitter-tasting and are used to empty the bladder naturally.
  • Avocado : protects the liver from toxins and increases the cleansing power of the treatment.

Final tips: try to reduce the portion sizes of your meals, avoid alcohol, red meat, dairy products and highly processed products, drink plenty of water, and exercise.

Photos – Maxpax, Dan McKay and Jaanus Silla.

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