Lighten The Liver Spots On The Hands

The following treatments should not be performed during the day or in the sun, as this may lead to darkening of the spots. However, aloe vera can be used at any time of the day.
Lighten the liver spots on the hands

Lighten the liver spots on your hands in a natural way. Over-pigmentation is a common phenomenon of aging skin, where too much melanin, the skin’s natural pigment, is formed. This creates dark spots and the skin tone becomes uneven, these spots are also known as liver spots . Excessive pigmentation can occur on any skin type and skin color, but it is more common on dark-skinned people.

There are many causes of excessive pigmentation, such as excessive exposure to sunlight, genetic inheritance, age, hormonal effects, inflammation, or injury. In this article, we will explore the natural methods and ingredients that can be used to fade liver spots .

1. Lighten the liver spots on your hands with Aloe Vera gel

aloe vera pieces

Liver spots develop slowly and they appear easily on the skin of the back of the hand. The palms of the hands are not always understood to be protected from the sun, even if they are exposed to sunlight, especially during summer and holidays, and should always be protected with sunscreen. Dryness of the skin also predisposes to the development of liver spots and with age the pigment changes darken. Liver spots are a cosmetic defect that can make you feel unattractive. Gently lighten the liver spots on your hands using Aloe Vera gel.

Aloe Vera gel is one easy and effective treatment for fading liver spots. Aloe Vera regenerates the skin and protects it from external influences. Aloe Vera is a 100% natural product, and you can either use the aloe gel you have grown yourself or buy the gel pre-packaged from a pharmacy or health food store.

Aloe firms the skin and evens out its color, making the liver spots less noticeable.  Due to its gentleness, aloe is suitable for daily use and protects the skin from the harmful effects of the sun as well as skin aging.

2. Lemon juice

lemon halves and lemon oil


Citric acid has a whitening effect on the skin, which has been known to people for a very long time. Using freshly squeezed lemon juice, you can whiten pigment spots on the skin. Remember that lemon juice should only be applied to the skin in the evening, and after using lemon juice, do not stay in direct sunlight – the acids of lemon juice and sunlight together can make the problem worse.

Here’s how to use lemon juice to fade liver spots: cut a couple of slices of cucumber into a bowl and squeeze in half the lemon juice. Allow the throat slices to absorb the liquid and then place the slices on the palms of the hands. Allow to soak for 20 minutes and remove. Wash your hands normally after treatment and remember to use a moisturizer.

3. Apple cider vinegar

well-groomed hands


Apple cider vinegar is an effective treatment for liver problems. Best of all, you might already find apple cider vinegar in your kitchen cabinet! Cider vinegar has many health benefits and is suitable for use on the skin and hair.

Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with the same amount of your favorite moisturizer or hand cream. Stir evenly and rub into the back of the palm evenly; spend ten minutes rubbing the cream on the skin and let it work overnight. When used regularly, you will find that apple cider vinegar significantly whitens pigment spots.

4. Hydrogen peroxide

hydrogen peroxide whitens

Lighten the liver spots on your hands with hydrogen peroxide. Caution should be exercised with hydrogen peroxide as it may cause skin irritation and itching if used excessively and carelessly. Always remember to use a diluted solution available from your pharmacist to clean your wounds that is not too strong.

Dip a cotton ball or swab into hydrogen peroxide and place it on the areas of skin where there are pigment changes. Allow the hydrogen peroxide to absorb, remove the swab and allow the peroxide to act on the skin overnight. In the morning you can wash your skin normally. Stop use immediately if skin appears irritated.

Many of the tips we discuss in this article are suitable for use in the evening. However, the most important thing to remember is to use sunscreen around the clock and especially during the summer. Aloe Vera is suitable for use at any time of the day.

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