Lemon Helps With Joint Pain And Muscle Cramps

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of lemon can prove to be an excellent helper in relieving joint pain and muscle cramps.
Lemon helps with joint pain and muscle cramps

Joint pain usually occurs especially in athletes and the elderly, as well as in people who work hard or otherwise strain their muscles and joints on a daily basis. Joint pain is common, especially in the knees, elbows and wrists. In addition to joint pain, many can also suffer from muscle cramps at the same time. Fortunately, there is a natural and simple home remedy for treating and relieving the symptoms of joint pain and muscle cramps: lemon.

If you belong to one of the risk groups mentioned above, we recommend that you take a closer look at these therapeutic and preventive properties of lemon. It is also important to learn to recognize the signs of joint pain and muscle cramps before starting home treatment so that they are not confused with, for example, paresthesia, ie numbness in a certain part of the body.

What is a muscle cramp and what causes it?

Muscle cramping is a sudden and unintentional contraction of a muscle, often accompanied by pain. Muscle cramps can present as a mild or severe symptom, in which case the pain may paralyze the part of the body affected by the cramp for up to a few minutes.

In athletes, muscle cramps usually occur after high-intensity exercise or strenuous muscle training. In other people, muscle cramps occur especially during the night. More commonly, muscle cramps strike the legs, but they can also occur in the soles of the feet, hands, arms, and abdomen. 

Athletes in particular often suffer from muscle cramps

Cramps can be caused, for example, by muscle tension, low levels of electrolyte in the body, impaired muscle circulation, or a nerve that is compressed inside a narrow nerve duct.

What is joint pain and why?

Joint pain can occur in any joint and is a common symptom of many joint injuries and joint diseases, examples of which include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Tendonitis
  • Bursitis

Diseases that cause joint pain are usually treated with NSAIDs, but at the same time, natural alternatives such as lemon are also an excellent addition to relieving these nasty pains and inflammatory conditions.

How does lemon help with joint pain and muscle cramps?

Lemon is rich in flavonoids, vitamins A, C and E, and citric acid. Vitamin C is known to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and also helps maintain collagen in the body’s supporting tissues. Citric acid, on the other hand, has both diuretic and detoxifying properties.

Lemon’s incredible health benefits include:

  • To strengthen the body’s resistance
  • To relieve sore throat
  • To prevent the formation of kidney stones
  • To improve blood circulation
  • To enhance metabolism

In the same way, lemon can also help relieve joint pain and muscle cramps, as it is rich in potassium. The most effective aid specifically for the treatment of joint pain and muscle cramps would be a lemon peel in this case.

In other words, the next time you decide to make lemonade or otherwise use a lemon for cooking, don’t throw away the peels, as there are also many benefits to a wide range of health care inside the shell.

The essential oil extracted from the lemon peel is called citronella, which also acts as an excellent mosquito repellent. In addition, the lemon peel is rich in vitamin C and pectin. Pectin, like vitamin C, helps to remove toxins from the body and eliminates harmful cholesterol from the bloodstream.

In addition to all this, the lemon peel also has anti-inflammatory and muscle-relaxing properties that make it an incredibly effective aid in the treatment of muscle cramps and joint pain. Read more below about how you can make lemon peel for easy home care in your own kitchen!

Lemon peel has many properties that are suitable for the treatment of muscle cramps and joint pain

Homemade lemon treatment to relieve joint pain and muscle cramps

With the following recipe, you will be able to prepare a gentle lemon treatment in your own home kitchen that will help you relieve nasty muscle cramps and joint pain effectively and naturally. Keep in mind, however, that this prescription is intended to supplement the medication prescribed by your doctor, and we recommend that you first consult your own doctor before starting any home treatment.


  • 250 ml of extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 large lemons (preferably organic)
  • 4 leaves of eucalyptus

To make and add to this lemon treatment, you will also need a few supplies, that is, a glass jar with a lid, a wrapping film, and clean gauze. The amount of gauze depends entirely on the size of the area affected by muscle cramps and joint pain.

Preparation instructions

  • First, wash and peel the lemons, and add the peels as is to the glass jar. Pour in the olive oil and make sure there is enough oil to cover the lemon zest as a whole. 
  • Chop the eucalyptus leaves and then add them to the mixture. Carefully close the glass jar with a lid and allow the mixture to soak for two weeks in a dry and dark place.
  • When the lemon treatment is finally done, you can add the product directly to the clean gauze. Soak the gauze in its entirety in the mixture and add the gauze directly to the area suffering from joint pain or muscle cramps. To prevent the gauze from moving out, carefully cover the gauze with a wrapping film. Leave the gauze in place overnight. 
  • To achieve the most effective results, repeat this lemon treatment daily. Otherwise, you can repeat the treatment at least three times a week.

Finally, remember

Keep in mind that this lemon treatment for muscle cramps and joint pain relief is most effective when you remember to perform it regularly and in a disciplined manner. By sacrificing a few minutes each night to do this lemon treatment, you will notice relief in the well-being of your joints and muscles even in a short amount of time. However, be sure to consult your own doctor before starting any alternative treatment.

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