Lemon Essential Oil: Preparation And Uses

Learn a new way to make essential lemon oil and enjoy its many benefits.
Lemon essential oil: preparation and uses

Lemon essential oil is a multi-purpose natural treatment. It prevents e.g. cellulite due to its vitamin C content and antioxidants that prevent fat accumulation. Both of these ingredients treat health in many ways.

Today, almost everyone goes directly to a doctor or pharmacist when they notice health problems. However, many people understand the effectiveness of natural remedies. Natural treatments also have no harmful side effects.

Lemon essential oil is a good example of such products. Its regular use has many benefits but no health risks.

How to make essential lemon oil

Manufacture of essential oils of lemon


  • 6 lemons
  • 2 dl almond oil
  • 2 dl olive oil


  • Glass jar
  • Container with lid


  • Wash and peel the lemons. They are used in shells.
  • Put the lemon zest in the oven at 50 degrees Celsius for 2-3 hours to allow the zest to dry.
  • Place the dried lemon zest on the bottom of a glass jar and add the oils.
  • Allow to stand in a cool, dark place for 50 days, stirring occasionally.
  • When the time has elapsed, remove the lemon peels from the jar, squeezing them properly and strain the oil into another container with a lid.

With these simple instructions, essential lemon oil is made. Always store oil in a cool, dry place.

Uses of essential lemon oil

Clear the air

Good indoor air quality is very important. Remember that there is pollution everywhere. It is a good idea to clean the air in your home.

Lemon repels bacteria from the window as it is an effective antiseptic. Its acidity and vitamins kill microbes quickly and effectively.

Citrus fruits also smell fresh, making the air feel less heavy. And even if you don’t realize it yourself, your pituitary gland sends a call to your brain to relax. Use a scented lantern for better results.

Improves digestion

Lemon essential oil improves digestion

In the body, lemon is converted into alkaline salts. In this way, the food you eat digests faster and easier. It also stimulates the production of gastric fluids, which speeds up the metabolism.

You get good fatty acids from lemon essential oil, which is important for tissue health and preventing arterial blockages.

Use essential lemon oil as a salad dressing or add it to tea. A few drops of green tea is the perfect option.

Fights cellulite

Cellulite is associated with circulatory problems. Lemon essential oil has two important properties in this regard: high vitamin C content and flavonoids.

Flavonoids improve the movement of fat, preventing it from accumulating in the same places. Vitamin C also helps here, as it is a great antioxidant.

Cellulite tends to increase with age, so the body needs to be strengthened to slow down the effects of time.

Lemon essential oil can cure herpes

Lemon essential oil can help with cold sores

Herpes is usually caused by an infection. It also appears in very humid areas.

Lemon essential oil is an ideal aid in the treatment of herpes, as it contains vitamin C as a great antibiotic. The oil acts as a protective film to insulate the area. This prevents it from coming into contact with other bacteria that could compromise the treatment. Apply the oil with a clean cotton swab or gauze.

Lemon essential oil is a natural treatment that is easy to prepare, inexpensive and simple to use. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Please let us know the results after you have tried it!

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