Leaving Sugar In The Diet: 5 Alternative Products

Leaving less sugar is worthwhile, as too much intake can lead to some diseases that occur in both adults and children. Now we’re talking about alternative products for sugar so you don’t have to give up sweet foods. With the change, you will be able to promote a healthy diet – one that is high in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Leaving sugar in the diet: 5 alternative products

Leaving sugar can be a really depressing idea, and ignoring it can actually make a person feel bad. It is indeed a delicious and invigorating product, but nutrition experts recommend the use of alternative products whenever possible.

So leaving out sugar doesn’t mean you can’t eat sweet foods at all. There are products that allow you to make delicious desserts and other sweet treats without sugar.

Why should sugar be avoided?

Studies show that white sugar causes health problems, the most common of which are tooth decay, heart problems, impaired resistance, and obesity.

In addition, sugar increases the chance of cancer and increased levels of dopamine.

Our bodies do not need sugar, but glucose. There are healthier sweeteners available than sugar, and they do produce glucose. So you can definitely leave sugar out of your diet.

Sugar craving is not due to its need, but it has become a habit for us, and the change should start with the replacement of sugar by other products.

Alternative products to sugar


leaving sugar in the diet and stevia instead

Stevia is a fairly popular sweetener and is a plant with a sweet taste on the leaves.  Nowadays, stevia is also available in powder form, and in that case it actually resembles sugar.

So you can easily replace sugar with stevia in stews and desserts, and some of the benefits are:

  • Stevia helps control diabetes by regulating blood glucose levels.
  • It removes fluid, so it helps eliminate toxins.
  • It is a vasodilator that helps control blood pressure.
  • It is calorie-free, so it helps prevent obesity.


honey replaces sugar

Honey is the oldest natural sweetener. It has been in our use since the early days of mankind, and today honey is considered a very valuable product. It has become one of the best options for sugar.

Honey is especially suitable for children (from the age of 1) and the elderly,  because in addition to sweetening, it has a rich medicinal effect. Honey has all the following benefits for human health:

  • It provides fast energy.
  • It has antibiotic properties and prevents inflammation.  Thus, it helps in the treatment of coughs and colds.
  • It has healing effects.
  • It acts as an antioxidant.
  • It is rich in minerals and B vitamins.  It is a great source of sodium, magnesium and zinc.

Agave syrup

agave syrup

You can avoid sugar in your food with this syrup, for example. Agave belongs to the family of broccoli. Its syrup is thick and sticky and is obtained from the thick leaves of the plant.

Agave has become a trendy alternative to sugar, and many recommend it for cooking. Its sweetness acts as a good substitute.

The amount of fructose is high, but the amount of glucose is low. The abundant fructose provided by Agave helps to balance insulin levels, and thus this plant is especially good for people with diabetes.

The properties of the syrup include the following:

  • It works to fight inflammation and germs.
  • It helps to improve resistance.
  • It promotes weight loss.
  • It lowers cholesterol.
  • It treats the skin and prevents the effects of aging.


This sweetener is from Japan. Amazake is made from rice by a fermentation process, which is a common method in Asian cuisine. The process results in a sweet, thick paste  that replaces processed sugar in a wide variety of recipes.

Amazake offers a wealth of nutrients and benefits for body health:

  • The digestion absorbs and handles it easily.
  • Amazake is high in fiber, so it helps speed up digestion.
  • It also contains B vitamins and the basic enzymes your body needs.

Panela whole cane sugar


One way to avoid sugar in your diet is to use a panel that comes from juice squeezed from sugar cane. No processing or chemical product is used to make the panel, and it is an increasingly popular substitute for sugar.

The following are some of the good health benefits of the panel:

  • It effectively increases energy.
  • It contains vitamins A, B, C, D and E.
  • Of all the sweeteners, this provides the most minerals.

Leaving or reducing sugar takes time, and changing your diet should start with choosing substitutes for sugar – this is a small but important step. Everyone should also think about their own health and what changes would be most beneficial to make to reduce sugar.

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