Learn Healthy Self-love So You Will Be Loved The Way You Want It

Learn healthy self-love so you will be loved the way you want to

Defining your own value based on how much other people love you is a mistake that often leads to tremendous disappointment. You need to learn healthy self-love!

If you have received the wrong kind of love or affection based on pain and manipulation, you will eventually start to think that you do not deserve to be loved.

Learn healthy self-love and get over your trauma

Situations like these are very awkward and devastating, and no one has prepared us for them. In fact, it is special that children are taught in school, for example, the capitals of different countries, but not how they could learn to love themselves.

In other words, we don’t teach them to see themselves as the wonderful people they are, or teach them that they deserve better than what they think they deserve.

For this reason, the topic of today’s article is self-love. In particular, we talk about how to practice healthy self-love often and how you can teach these same tools to children.

Learn healthy self-love

Love yourself because no one deserves as much attention in your own life as you do

Society often teaches us a value that can turn out to be a double-edged sword: loving oneself. Loving your own mirror image is sometimes seen as self-centered.

We are told to be grateful, to let other people out of the room before we step inside, to help the neighbor, to do our best in front of the people we love, and so on.

It is true that these are all respectable deeds that should be followed. But we should also teach ourselves what integrity, healthy self-love and self-esteem are.

Don’t judge yourself based on what you get

Imagine in your mind a child who has been bullied at school. Now imagine that this child is always home alone. He does not receive proper affection and attention from his parents.

Imagine this same child as an adult now. Think about how he has to make an effort to maintain happy, mature, and enriching relationships. If he doesn’t achieve this, he’ll probably start believing he’s the kind of person who doesn’t deserve love.

Learn healthy self-love

This seems cruel, but many people have experience of this.

It is true that traumatic childhood does not automatically mean negative relationships in the future. However, it is a factor that will have a big impact on what our future relationships will look like.

  • We should not determine our own value based on what we receive.
  • Love yourself every day the way you deserve, and don’t expect others to give you what you expect.
  • Don’t constantly seek approval from other people for your actions and thoughts. You are your own judge. Yes, you are the person who has to breathe life into all the things you do and support them and work towards them.
  • If your childhood and teens weren’t happy in your life, try to separate the past from the present. You already know what it’s like to grow up without safe, steady, and affectionate love, so leave it a thing of the past.
  • Heal your wounds by learning healthy self-love. Pamper yourself and protect yourself from things that may hurt you, but also set out on new paths that give you hope that you can become a better person every day.

Attract to you the things you deserve.

You earn much more than what some people give you

Sometimes we don’t give up on someone for anything. Despite the fact that we are not really happy in a particular relationship, we say to ourselves, “It is life. I can’t find anything better. This is a better option than being alone. ”

Like it or not, hanging out in negative emotions also brings with it indirect and insidious suffering that is detrimental to our self-esteem.

Unfortunately, we get used to emptiness, resentment, contempt, and even that we are not happy. This is dangerous, given that we lose everything when the mood of defeat creeps into our lives.

Learn healthy self-love

You earn much more than what some people give you. Some people just don’t know how to love others and don’t understand what reciprocity is. These two things are the cornerstones of sincere love.

Such individuals do not care to strive to get a smile on people’s lips and not tears in human relationships.

  • You should not engage in such relationships. Love should bring you joy, not sorrow. Be brave and leave behind the pain you have experienced to regain your integrity.
  • Integrity means finding a connection between what we deserve, what we feel, and what we do on a daily basis. In other words, it is a balance between mind, heart and action.
  • Love yourself the way you deserve to be loved, even if it requires loneliness for a while. This is always a better option than living with a bad and hurting partner.

You are a wonderful person who deserves only the best in life. Fight for this, for yourself and the people you love.

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