Is There A Right Way To Defecate?

While talking about defecation is taboo in some cultures, it is important to know how to do it healthily. So keep reading and you’ll find out what the right way to defecate is!
Is there a proper way to defecate?

Humans, like other mammals, squat to rest, work, and empty their bowels. How, and in what position does orthodox feces occur? More on that in our article today.

So how did it happen that a person started using the toilet bowl to be able to go and take care of this need? So now we’ll tell you more about the topic of defecation , and give you information on how to do this in a good way for health – keep reading!

Defecation with a toilet bowl is a luxury

what is orthodox feces like

The habits associated with going to the toilet changed permanently when Sir John Harington invented the toilet bowl in 1591. At first, this instrument was considered a luxury, and not everyone was able to use it – in fact, only the royals. However, the toilet bowl was also used by the disabled, but only in a few cases.

As pipe and sewer technology evolved, the toilet bowl became a mass product, and then ordinary people also got that luxury in their daily lives that was previously only used by royalty. In addition, running water changed toilet habits, and thus the way people went to defecate also changed.

Scientific arguments: squatting is a better way

In his 1964 book Gastroenterology, Henry L. Bockus came to the conclusion that squatting with the thighs pressed against the abdomen is the ideal position for defecation.

Similarly, Dr. Alexander Kira stated in his 1966 book The Bathroom that man should squat to respond to that call of nature, as this posture reduces the hassle associated with defecation.

In addition, Dr. Dov Sikirov published a study comparing the force used when sitting and squatting during defecation. The results from this showed that bowel emptying produces a satisfactory feeling when the person is in a squat position.

The sitting position requires excessive pushing, and it also requires more time compared to squatting.

What happens when a person defecates?

the right kind of defecation

The word “defecation” can be defined as the process by which a substance, or feces, is removed from the body.

During this process, the human enteric nervous system and the parasympathetic system allow for a number of functions, and these include the following: the stool in the rectum and the accumulation control for relaxing the external sphincter and puborectalis muscle is.

The latter of these allows the rectum to be aligned so that intra-abdominal pressure can be exerted and thus waste can be pushed out of the body.

Squatting – how should it be done?

It is important to point out at this point that if you squat in the toilet, your feet should be at a 35 degree angle to the rest of your body. By doing this, you can press your muscles against your stomach.

This creates pressure in the internal cavities of the rectum and releases and causes the bowel to settle so that waste is removed quickly, easily and more thoroughly.

Defecation in a sitting position – what is ideal?

the right kind of defecation

When you are in a sitting position for defecation, you are in the opposite position as when you are squatting. This way your legs are at a 90 degree angle to your abdomen and thighs. This position does not allow  proper rectal and orifice positioning. 

In addition, it happens that there is no pressure on the legs towards the colon and stomach at all. Thus, more effort is required to get the bowel emptied properly.

Benefits of Squatting – Is It Worth It?

In this position, defecation provides the following benefits for your well-being:

  • You will be able to defecate faster and easier.
  • It prevents the passage of material between the rectum and the small intestine, thus reducing the risk of the small intestine becoming contaminated.
  • It prevents tension in that area, which prevents the development of rubella, diverticulosis and other problems.
  • It is part of the non-invasive treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • As for pregnant women, this position prevents pressure on the uterus and also helps prepare for natural childbirth.
  • It prevents stools from accumulating. This condition is one of the main reasons for the development of appendicitis or intestinal inflammation.

It is also important to remember that 90-degree posture when using the toilet has been linked to the development of rectal cancer (CRC), although this hypothesis was rejected in Sahand Sohrab’s study.

How can this information be utilized?

defecation orthodox

However, in a world with a wide variety of toilet designs, there are not many options available that include a squat position. However, we can adjust the bowl with a footrest.

It does not have to be a certain height, but it must be high enough to reach a 35 degree angle during defecation.

Some people prefer to step on the bowl to get to that position, but this can still be dangerous and can result in falling or breaking the bowl. So we really don’t recommend climbing on top of a bowl!

Did you know this about our toilet habits? Did you know that a normal sitting position is not the best option for defecation ? So could you consider changing to a squat position now that you know this change would be good for your health?

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