Is It Hard For You To Express Love To Your Partner?

Expressing the love you feel for another person can be really difficult. This can undoubtedly cause many problems in a relationship.
Is it hard for you to express love for your partner?

If you have a hard time expressing love for your partner, maybe you should look for a reason inside you, as it is probably due to your past experiences.

A partner needs to express their love for the other also verbally, not just in deeds. It comforts us, makes us feel comfortable, and can even bring us a sense of security.

Reasons why expressing love is so difficult

There are several reasons why expressing love for a partner is so difficult.

To find them, we need to go back to childhood, a time when most of the problems we face as adults arise.

mother holding a crying girl

Some of these reasons are:

  • Expressing love is not familiar to you
  • You are afraid of commitment
  • You have had bad experiences in love
  • Or maybe you suffer from alexithymia

All of the above except the last are based on experiences or situations that have left their mark on the step you are about to take in a relationship.

If your parents didn’t use loving words, it’s natural that you haven’t learned to identify with that partner that way, and now you can’t express love naturally.

Likewise, if you have had painful experiences or if the relationship combines in your mind with the word “pain,” it is possible that it has made you fear commitment.

While all of this has left its mark on you, you can choose how you act in your own relationship. You are an adult and responsible for your own life. By being aware of this, you can learn to express love for your partner.

The latest case, alexithymia, is an exception. If you are unable to express your love for your partner because you suffer from this neurological disorder, it is the right person to tell you what procedures you should follow.

Your partner is a big help

If the problem with expressing love is due to a painful experience, it is important that you know your partner is playing a really important role.

a man comforts a woman

The natural tendency is to ring yourself for not telling your partner how you feel. He’s going to be mad at you for that. This will not help you at all.

It is therefore important that the other party is aware that he or she has an important job to do. He can help you if you have a hard time expressing love.

To do that, we need to consider certain things:

  • Talk to your partner lovingly,  and ask him or her to do the same with you. Do not rebuke or be angry with one another.
  • Choose a quiet, cozy place where both feel comfortable. This is the best way to discuss a topic as sensitive as emotion.
  • Be empathetic and patient with each other. Try to put yourself in each other’s position to see what the other might feel like.

The positive thing about all this is that while one helps the other to express love, both parties learn new things.

You will notice how you control your feelings, express them, and be able to bring out your anger or rage in the right way.


Heal the past

While your partner is a big help, it’s also really important to talk to a professional who can guide you in choosing the right direction.

Past Wound Healing is never easy and it is something you need to influence. If the past doesn’t get better, expressing emotions becomes really difficult.

However, we need to ask ourselves what value it has for our partner to express love for him in words.

couple kissing

Perhaps we should remember all those relationships where love was often expressed verbally, but in practice it was not proven.

Which has more weight?

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