I Reach For The Stars With Or Without You

Our relationship may be perfect, but I cannot be completely dependent on you, for I must go on with my life, with or without you.
I reach for the stars with or without you

When we talk about relationships, we automatically think of a two-person package. We forget that those two people are individuals. After all, I can live the same way with you or without you.

This may not sound very romantic, but the truth is, we don’t have to hang out with another person to be happy.

I can be with or without you, and it doesn’t have to affect my happiness in any way.

Remember that I choose to be with you; I’m not dependent on you. I don’t need you to be happy. But most importantly, I choose not to own you rather give you wings so you can fly in search of your own happiness.


Emotional dependence

We all know for sure what those couples who do everything together are like. They know each other’s friends and they share the same interests even with those who used to be just another hobby.

The problem is that over time, another will come to say “I don’t have my own space” or “I can’t do anything for myself anymore”.

Remember, we all need our own personal space that even our partners can’t access. No matter how much we love him, we don’t have to become one and the same person with him.

The parties to a relationship have different preferences and interests. We don’t have to share them with another to see if one likes them or not.

Of course, common things are important and necessary. But the fact that it does everything together and wants to share exactly the same interests and preferences with another is an exception that is very difficult to make come true.

It is important, therefore, that neither party ever feels lonely while maintaining their individuality.

The parties to a relationship are individuals

When I give up my own individuality and believe my partner is one with me, I don’t even consider the possibility of the concept of “with or without you” because I believe that without you, I don’t exist. I’m dead.

This kind of thinking is characteristic of emotionally addicted people. The couple’s own love and way of embracing it creates an addiction to the other person.

We must continue to pursue our own dreams and do things we like ourselves, even if our partners are not involved. We must still be individuals, even if we share life with someone else, different. We have decided to share our lives together, but we are different.

We are in a relationship to be something more, not less.

I can live with or without you

If I’m dependent on my partner, if I don’t think I’m anything without him, then my partner won’t make me stronger. Instead of helping me grow, he makes me smaller. I become a person who is nothing alone.

For this reason, I have to do what I want to do, with or without you. I have to do what I like and what develops and grows me as a person. Restricting oneself to a relationship would be really a pity.

I will grow with or without you

The relationship must maintain independence

It doesn’t matter if one day a job offer from another country threatened to separate us. And that wouldn’t be a problem if, for one reason or another, you didn’t want to go with me. I pursue my dreams with or without you.

There will be a lot of difficulties in our relationship, but none of them will make me change myself. If I ceased to be me, and if you became my cause to live, what would happen if our relationship ended?

I would be lost, I would not know who I am or how I would recover, that would start a difficult and painful journey. It’s a sky I don’t have to go through.

None of this means that you don’t matter or care about our relationship. I’m just trying to say I still want to be myself, even though I’m with you.

I don’t stop doing things I like. I don’t let opportunities go past me just because I’m with you. If I become less, I won’t grow, I won’t move forward and get stuck in my seat. Who I am dies.

The truth is that we learn about unrealistic and painful love by being dependent on another person. We learn from relationships where the parties must become one and the same person. But we ourselves must fight to preserve our individuality.

We cannot lose ourselves with another and forget who we are. We must always stand strong so that if all ends, we can move forward.

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