How To Store Basil In The Freezer?

In this article, we will tell you how basil can be frozen and how to keep it fresh all year round. With this advice, the aroma and taste of this aromatic herb are part of your cooking all year round!
How to store basil in the freezer?

Basil is an aromatic herb that we often use in cooking. It is a plant that naturally thrives during the hottest months of the year. As the temperature begins to drop, its appearance and taste change. Usually it withers and keeping the leaves fresh is very challenging. However, basil can be stored in the freezer, and when properly frozen, we can enjoy fresh basil all year round.

It doesn’t matter if you grow basil on the balcony or in the garden or buy it fresh from the supermarket. With the right preservation method, it is possible to keep the basil fresh for a long time.

In this article, we will tell you how it is possible to enjoy fresh basil every day of the year!

Options for freezing and preserving basil

There are many different methods for freezing and preserving basil. However, it is good to remember that in each case we only keep the basil leaves and discard the stems.

We should also remember that basil has an inherently high water content. If we cut the leaves and don’t use them right away, they will turn black and lose their flavor. We recommend that you do not dry the basil, as it is a very delicate herb and can lose its flavor quickly.

In the freezer, it can take up to 10 months, so below you will find some ways to freeze basil and make sure it retains all its properties.

Freeze the leaves whole

To freeze the leaves whole, follow these steps:

  • Separate the leaves from their stems.
  • Wash them thoroughly. To do this, we recommend that you immerse them in a glass of cold water, as the leaves are very sensitive and a strong water jet can damage the leaf structures.
  • Dry them with paper towels.
  • Put them in an airtight bag to freeze.

According to a study published in the Cuban Journal of Pharmacy, this way the basil stays fresh for at least 10 months. It is likely that some of the leaves will crumble or shrink in the freezer, so they will no longer be fresh when we thaw the leaves.

However, this is not a problem if we add the basil leaves to the food crushed.

Basil on a cutting board.
Frozen basil gives an extra flavor to every dish.

Freeze the basil among the oil

This is a more practical way to freeze basil. All you need is an ice cube mold that is used to make ice cubes. After washing the leaves well, put 5 or 6 basil leaves in each tray of ice cube mold and add oil.

This way you also retain the scent of basil!

Preserving basil with olive oil or salt

Freezing basil in olive oil is one of the most popular ways. After washing and drying the leaves as described above, follow these steps:

  • Put the basil leaves in an herb grinder and add the olive oil; about two spoons for each copious handful of leaves.
  • Crush the mixture until you get a smooth paste.
  • Divide the mixture into an ice cube mold and place in the freezer.

Preserving basil in salt is really easy. You will need basil leaves, salt, olive oil and a glass jar. Create layers of basil leaves and salt in the jar until the jar is full.

Later, pour olive oil over the layers and close the jar. You can preserve basil this way for about two months.

Prepare the pesto and freeze it

This option is one of our favorites because using frozen pesto saves a lot of time.

You will need basil leaves, olive oil and salt. You need to grind the leaves and add oil and salt. You can freeze the finished pesto paste in an ice cube mold.

We recommend trying this recipe if you want to make a slightly finer pesto sauce:

  • 2 dl basil
  • 50 ml of olive oil
  • 0.5 dl nuts
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 dl parmesan or similar cheese
  • 1 clove garlic and salt to taste

Process all the ingredients and place them in suitable containers for freezing, add a drop of olive oil and freeze. The pesto stays in the freezer for about a year.

You can preserve the basil in pesto form.
You can freeze the finished pesto, which makes cooking easier.

How to freeze or preserve basil

If you don’t want to freeze the basil, but want it to last a little longer than normal, you need to keep the basil protected from natural light. Well protected from light, the basil can remain in the vase for up to two weeks.

Another option is to freeze it, but keep the leaves whole and fresh. Separate the clean and dry leaves and place them on a tray in the freezer.

Store frozen leaves in airtight freezer boxes. In this way, the leaves stay in better condition for longer. Follow the instructions at the beginning of this article.

If you prefer, you can also dry fresh herbs such as basil. Start by washing and drying the basil leaves. Place them to dry out in a sheltered place. This avoids insects coming to eat the leaves or losing their taste due to excessive drying.

Dried basil leaves are ready when they crumble easily. Drying basil is generally not recommended as it is a really delicate herb. However, the decision is yours.

One last piece of advice

In this article, you have learned that basil can be preserved for a long time while retaining most of its organoleptic properties. However, we want to emphasize that the basil leaves must be ground before they are added to the food portion. If you let the basil stay at room temperature for too long, it will turn black and wither.

We use fresh basil to improve the taste of drinks, infusions, vinegar and oils. All of these preparations should be kept in the refrigerator and used within four days of their preparation. This is necessary to prevent the development of bacteria.

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