How To Make Your Own Solar Food Dryer

Food drying has been in use for thousands of years. It is one of the oldest ways of preserving food that exists.
This is how you make your own solar food dryer

Do you want to keep your food for longer periods of time? If your answer is yes, we recommend that you check out the sun drying of your food. In this article, we’ll explain how to make a self-acting solar food dryer.

Drying food means removing all the liquid to preserve the food. Food lasts longer and does not need to be used immediately.

Why do we need a food dryer?

Does your food often go bad?

When we go to the grocery store, we often think that kitchen cabinets need to be filled and we don’t always think about being able to eat everything until they get old.

This is why drying food is beneficial, as all liquid is removed from the food to preserve it without the use of preservatives.

We live in a time when we want more and more natural products in our diet and people are more interested in following a balanced diet. We all want to enjoy the benefits of food: from  the vitamins and minerals provided by fruit to the rich meat proteins and vegetable fibers.

Is dried food good to eat?

  • Dried foods taste sweeter,  but their sugar is not processed and their vitamins and minerals (potassium, magnesium, phosphate and lime) remain despite drying.
  • Drying does not change the iron and fiber content of the food in any way.

Dried food has  twice the amount of energy as fresh food and is therefore a popular snack.

In terms of digestion, dried food is easier and helps to lose weight.

Other reasons to make your own food dryer

By making your own solar food dryer, you will be able to store food for longer.


When using a food  dryer, you no longer need to use the fridge or freezer  as much, as the food stays at room temperature while maintaining nutritional values.

Sweets can well be replaced with dried food  and are low in fat because they are not processed industrially. They can be used for a wide variety of cooking.

How do you make your own solar food dryer?

A food dryer makes dried foods sweeter.


You can make your own solar food dryer at home without the need for great tools or complicated instructions. You will need a few tools that are likely to be found in your home.


  • wire mesh
  • stapler
  • staples
  • screws
  • hinges
  • drilling machine
  • drill bit
  • cup blade
  • wooden box
  • 4 pieces of wood
  • 8 pieces of plywood
  • strong plastic film
  • big black garbage bag


  • Use a cup blade on the drill to make two holes on each side of the wooden box right in the middle.
  • Cover the holes with netting. Use a stapler to attach.
  • Place a black garbage bag on the bottom of the box, covering the entire bottom. Check that the bag is intact.
  • Place the pieces of wood at the corners on the short sides so you can build a level on top of them. Use a drill and screws to secure the pieces of wood.
  • Make a frame the size of the bottom of a wooden box and place it on top of pieces of wood. Secure with screws using a drill.
  • Cover the frame with plastic wrap and secure with rivets.

There should be no more holes in the dryer so that it does not adversely affect the temperature of the dryer.

  • Make another frame for the dryer that is slightly smaller than the bottom of the box. This is placed on top of pieces of wood.
  • Make a suitable piece of mesh on top of the frame you just made and fasten it to the sides with rivets.
  • Make a plywood door and fasten it to the long side of the box with hinges.

Using a solar food dryer

To get the food to dry well, put the food dryer in a dry and hot place.


To get good results from your dryer, you need to monitor the movement of the sun so that sunlight can get inside the holes.

If you want to dry the food quickly, place the dryer in a dry and hot place where the air circulates.

We recommend

  • Choose what foods you want to dry. Avoid overripe products.
  • Wash the food first.
  • Cut into slices or small pieces to dry faster.
  • Spread the food evenly over the net for an even drying result.
  • Once the food is dry, remove it and store it in a glass jar to prevent it from absorbing moisture.
  • Write the date on the jar and keep for up to a year.

How easy it was! Are you ready to try a solar food dryer?

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