How To Lose Weight Without Suffering?

To lose weight without unnecessary pain and suffering, we must first change our way of thinking about food. Therefore, instead of miracle diets, it would be best to adopt a balanced and comprehensive diet that will help you lose weight painlessly.
How to lose weight without suffering?

Many patients fighting overweight and obesity are particularly interested in a weight loss plan that would allow them to lose weight without suffering. However, it often happens that in order to demand fast results, the diet begins to be significantly restricted.

The problem is that many people do not understand that it is important for dieting to be able to improve specifically unhealthy lifestyles and make them a permanent part of their daily routine.

While popular miracle diets seem to be a quick way to achieve the desired weight, in reality, the effects of these miracle diets are detrimental.

That is why it is important for each of us to be more familiar with the following guidelines, which will help us get rid of extra pounds without compromising our own well-being and health.

Here are some tips to help you succeed in burning fat, building a healthier diet, and losing weight without suffering. Read more below!

The best tips for losing weight without suffering

Many of us associate the word “diet” with a tedious and monotonous process that, in the end, causes only unnecessary pain and suffering.

When the word diet is transformed into a healthy diet, meaning suddenly becomes synonymous with a complete lifestyle change.

Those who lose weight can also eat varied and varied

However, the disadvantage of such a lifestyle change is that only a few are able to make it a permanent routine and that is why many follow a diet eating healthily for only a few days or weeks. Thus, short-term diets are unable to maintain the results obtained from weight loss, resulting in a dangerous spiral of weight jojeling that can impair health.

So are there ways to lose weight without suffering?

While it takes a little longer to see the change in your body, the following tips can help you start the fight against overweight and extra pounds without dietary restrictions or low-calorie diets.

1. Eat variably

One of the most important rules for a successful diet change to lose weight is to eat a little of everything.

Because our bodies have set certain nutritional requirements for us that we cannot change, it is important for weight loss to plan and build a diet that does not exclude any food.

In other words, while it is advisable to limit the proportion of carbohydrates and fats, for example, they should by no means be completely eliminated from the diet.

The most important thing in a varied diet is to balance each meal and maintain a reasonable portion sizes. Therefore, a healthy diet should include:

  • Whole grains and legumes
  • Lean meat
  • Seeds, nuts and almonds
  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Low fat dairy products

2. Divide the meals of the day into smaller units

Instead of three larger meals, you should enjoy five or six smaller meals a day

Many of us have been taught that meals of the day should be divided into three parts, but years ago, more emphasis has been placed on the fact that a healthy diet should consist of five or six smaller daily meals.

In other words, in addition to the main meals of the day, namely breakfast, lunch and dinner, two snacks should also be added to the daily diet.

3. Enjoy breakfast daily

To save your daily calories, especially for overweight and obese patients, one of the biggest mistakes is skipping breakfast.

While saving calories and skipping meals seem like logical aids to boosting weight loss, in reality it’s not a good idea, as skipping breakfast increases anxiety and only leads to overeating later in the day.

4. Increase water consumption

Drinking water daily helps maintain the body’s natural fluid balance

Drinking water daily is one of the easiest ways to make weight loss more effective without suffering.

While for some, daily water intake is difficult, including water as part of a healthy diet is very important, as water, herbal baths, and fresh juices help maintain the body’s natural fluid balance and remove toxins from the body.

5. Exercise

One of the best supplements to a fat burning diet is exercise. No matter what kind of diet you follow, in the end, exercising is really important to increase your body’s energy expenditure.

Exercising improves both general well-being and helps to burn excess fat effectively.

The key to starting an exercise is to gradually add it to your routine; this way the exercise hobby doesn’t bother right from the start.

In order to maintain exercise, it would be ideal to look for diverse and substitute alternatives to just gym training, so that exercise does not become boring and routine.

Good options include:

  • Walking and running
  • Swimming
  • Zumba or another fast-paced dance
  • Pilates
  • Yoga

Ideas for a balanced diet

Any Meal Plan for a balanced diet can help you lose weight without suffering.

That’s why we want to share a few simple examples of how a healthy diet can consist of balanced and varied foods that keep your daily calorie intake in addition to everything else.

Breakfast is the main meal of the day


  • Herb stew or cup of coffee with low-fat milk and sugar-free whole grain biscuits with marmalade.
  • Vegetable smoothie, wholemeal bread with tomato and fruit.
  • Orange juice, sandwich with chicken and vegetables and chopped fruit.

Morning snack

  • Milk drink with oats and cinnamon.
  • Tea, toast and low-fat cream cheese.
  • Low-fat yogurt with wild berries.


  • Fried salmon fillet, red cabbage salad with mango, cottage cheese and nuts and dessert fruit salad.
  • Fried chicken, pepper-flavored vegetable wok and jelly as a dessert.
  • Fried fish, whole grain rice and carrot puree soup.

Afternoon snack

  • Vegetable milk and whole grain biscuits.
  • Fruit salad and oat bran.
  • Yogurt with nuts, almonds and / or seeds.


  • Herb chicken, oven-baked artichoke and banana for dessert.
  • Fried fish, noodle soup and low-fat yogurt for dessert.
  • Baked salmon with asparagus and leek, tomato puree soup and pineapple for dessert.

If you are planning to lose weight without pain and suffering, feel free to try the tips and meal suggestions above for healthy and enjoyable weight loss. Although it will take some time for the results to show up in the body, following them is the safest and most effective way to achieve a healthy weight.

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