How Do You Know Your Thyroid Is Bad?

Thyroid problems may go unnoticed, as they are often confused with other, common health problems. If you have any doubts, visit an expert’s office to find out if there are any problems with you.

Do you suspect that your thyroid gland is not working properly? This time, we’ll talk about things to consider when deciding if there’s really something wrong with thyroid function.

As you probably know, your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck in front of your trachea.

First, it plays an important role in the functioning of your body. Namely, it is responsible for the production of certain hormones (these hormones are called thyroxine and triiodothyronine), and it also regulates your metabolism, as well as many other functions in your body.

Why is it important to take care of your thyroid health?

The reason the thyroid gland is so important is that  every cell in your body is dependent on the hormones it produces for growth and development.

Therefore, this body affects all of the following, and also numerous others:

  • heart rate
  • cholesterol levels
  • weight
  • energy levels
  • muscle strength
  • skin condition
  • regularity of menstruation
  • memory

The thyroid glands use iodine to make hormones. Indeed, it is a  vital factor in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, and your body gets it through the food you eat.

Inadequate intake of iodine can cause problems in this organ or make existing problems worse.

As you may know, you get iodine from the following foods:

  • dairy products (yogurt, cheese, milk)
  • fruits (oranges, apples, pineapple)
  • vegetables (beetroot, watercress, onion)
  • garlic
  • beans
  • kelp

Identify problems with your thyroid function

examine your thyroid gland
Unfortunately, there is no single specific symptom that could indicate thyroid problems in their early stages.

Laboratory tests are the most reliable aid in determining if there is really cause for concern.

Whatever the situation, it is important to know that  thyroid dysfunction has common symptoms that are easy to confuse with signs of other diseases,  such as the following problems:

  • stress
  • fatigue
  • depression
  • dementia

In addition, your thyroid glands may grow and change shape. In this case, the problem is called a goiter, in which case a protrusion appears in the neck.

Unfortunately,  thyroid problems are usually asymptomatic. However, these symptoms can cause problems when swallowing or breathing, and may change a person’s voice.

On the other hand, the most well-known thyroid disorders are hyperactivity and insufficiency, which  may occur with or without an increase in the size of this gland.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism

how do you know if your thyroid is working properly

Hypothyroidism is four times more common than hyperactivity of that gland.  It involves decreased production of thyroid hormones. Thus, it results in an imbalance that may lead to irregular functioning of the body.

Some of the symptoms of hypothyroidism  include:

  • fatigue
  • sensitivity to cold
  • loss of appetite
  • weight gain (2-4 pounds due to fluid retention)
  • risen bloodpressure
  • cold, dry and rough skin
  • concentration problems and memory problems
  • slowed speech and movement
  • irregular menstrual cycle
  • muscle and joint pain
  • lack of energy and drowsiness

If you have hypothyroidism, remember that your diet should be kept balanced and varied. Keep in mind that food should be obtained from all nutritional groups, and it is especially important to eat foods that are high in fiber and low in fat.

In addition, daily physical activity should be increased.

Signs of hyperthyroidism


Next, we will talk about another thyroid dysfunction, i.e. hyperactivity.

Unlike in the case of insufficiency, in this case the  body produces more thyroid hormones than necessary, and thus this phenomenon it speeds up the metabolism.

Some of the most common symptoms of hyperactivity include:

  • increased heart rate (palpitations) and high blood pressure
  • anxiety
  • insomnia
  • increased appetite and weight loss
  • sensitivity to heat
  • thin and brittle hair
  • muscle weakness
  • vision problems
  • irregular menstrual cycle
  • defecation often
  • vibration or vibration
  • increased sweating

If you have hyperthyroidism, remember that your diet should  be balanced and high in calories.

In any case, remember that  if you suspect there is any problem with this gland in your case, it is important to see a doctor and ask for appropriate tests. The earlier you can detect these problems, the better for your health!

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