Homemade Micelle Phase Water – A Great Help For Your Skin

Use micellar phase water to remove sweat accumulated on the skin during the night and to get rid of accumulated toxic substances. This water is an ideal product for daily skin care and acts as a natural supplement to help you effectively refresh your skin. 
Homemade micelle phase water - a great help for your skin

Have you already heard of a product called micellar phase water used in beauty treatment? It’s the latest addition to popular solutions to improve skin condition, but if you don’t know anything about this special-sounding product, don’t worry. In this article, we will explain in more detail how this water can be used and prepared at home.  Take advantage of your micellar phase water every day, and you’re guaranteed to like more of your mirror image!

In fact, we are absolutely sure that you will love this product- it is a real miracle help for your skin! So keep reading and you will learn more about the use of micellar phase water and its preparation at home.

What is micellar phase water and why should it be used for skin care?

micellar phase water feels like water hands caressing your face

When it comes to skin care and removing makeup from your skin,  you’ve probably already tried almost everything possible. Soaps, gels and numerous other products. But how well do these remove the impurities that accumulate on the skin day and night? Something is often left behind, and on top of that, many products leave on the skin a feeling that is not quite what one would expect from a beauty product.

So what would be a better option than trading expensive products if you want to remove residue effectively as well as take care of your skin at the same time? Keep reading, as micellar phase water offers your skin numerous natural benefits.

It cleanses, refreshes, firms and moisturizes – well worth a try!

This product is made up of only natural ingredients and both removes impurities from your skin and soothes and moisturizes your face. When you use this water on a daily basis, you are guaranteed to notice awesome improvements in the composition of your skin – many women consider micellar phase water an invaluable part of their beauty routine.

How should it be used?

  • Micellar phase water is not too thick or greasy product, as many cleansing milks are. Instead, this product is very light and refreshing, and can be used really easily: put a little micellar phase water on a cotton swab, and then wipe your entire facial skin clean.
  • Beauty experts recommend that you use micellar phase water in the morning as soon as you wake up. This way, you can remove any excess oil from your skin that has accumulated during the night, as well as prepare your skin for the day’s makeup.
  • You can also keep a little of this product with you in your bag so you can use it whenever you need it during the day – for example, when you leave the gym, or when you simply want to feel your facial skin a little more refreshed and relaxed. Micellar phase water is perfect for makeup removal in the evenings. With just a few drops, you can remove impurities and firm your skin. It only takes a few seconds to do this, and the results are guaranteed to be good if you incorporate micelle phase water into your daily beauty routine!

How can micellar phase water be made at home?

a drop of water dripped


In this case, you will make a deciliter of micellar phase water. You will need the following ingredients for this:

  • 90 ml rose water: This product can be purchased ready-made from most shops specializing in natural products or other similar shops. If you know how to make it yourself, there is an option for this too, but rose water is readily available and not very expensive.
  • 3 ml castor oil. This is an easily available product in health food stores. It is worth buying the “sulfated” version as it enhances the good properties of the micellar phase water due to its solubility in water. This oil is effective and practical for topical use and helps remove stubborn residues from cosmetics, such as water-resistant mascara.
  • Vitamin E. We have already spoken several times about the benefits of vitamin E in beauty care. It slows down the aging process by nourishing and repairing skin, hair and nails. So it’s a very good idea to buy some vitamin E from a pharmacy – get a pack of gel capsules that you can then take for many uses. You only need 20 drops for this recipe.
  • 5 ml rosehip essential oil. Awesome product, once and for all! Rosehip repairs, treats, moisturizes and firms the skin. It should always be kept available at home. This is not a very expensive product, and like the other products we use in this recipe, it can be incorporated into many natural treatments.
  • Also get a 150 ml glass bottle in which you can put the micellar phase water you have prepared in a container. This is practical and small in size, and you can easily carry the bottle in your handbag, for example.

How is micellar phase water prepared?


the woman's face is beautified with micellar phase water

This is easy. Just mix all the ingredients in your glass bottle. And here it is! Thanks to castor oil, all ingredients mix well. But don’t worry if the liquid is suspicious in appearance – jaundice comes from castor oil, so it’s normal.

You will also find that micellar phase water has a good scent. Used daily, this product will become an invaluable part of your beauty routine. Here’s how to use micellar phase water for skin care:

  • Shake the bottle well before putting a few drops of liquid on a cotton swab.
  • Then put it on your facial skin before you put on makeup in the morning, and repeat the same in the evening so you can remove all makeup and other residue from your skin. This water is a great help in removing mascara and other eye makeup, for example, as well as lipstick. You can effectively get rid of all the residue – an effective help you may have longed for in your skin care!
  • Use micellar phase water at any time when your skin feels too tired or unnecessarily hot. You can also keep it with you in a small spray bottle to make it easier to use – this product is definitely worth a try!

So if you want a natural, affordable and effective skin care product, take the help of micellar phase water!

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