Home Constitutes For The Treatment Of Intestinal Amoebiasis

Amoebiasis can enter the human body through air or food, so it is very important to maximize hygiene if this infection is to be prevented.
Home constitution for the treatment of intestinal amoebiasis

Intestinal amoebiasis is a parasitic infection that occurs in the colon. It is present in many people even in temperate climates, but this type of disease is especially common in hot climates. Hygiene in private and public spaces can significantly reduce the risk of parasitic infection.

This time, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about that disease, as well as provide tips for implementing  highly effective natural treatments to relieve the symptoms of the infection.

Symptoms of amoebiasis

Any infection caused by  amoebas in the Entamoeba group is called amebiasis. The disease is called by this term only when it produces symptoms, especially diarrhea. Many get infected without even being aware of it, as there may not be symptoms.

When these organisms cause severe intestinal disease, the victim suffers from bleeding, cramps and abdominal pain. Stool contains rot, mucus and blood. Diarrhea also occurs, which causes weakness, weight loss and anemia.

The patient may have a fever and a rapid pulse. In most cases, diarrhea and other symptoms are not severe, although persistent and even detrimental to health.

Sometimes, however, the only sign of infection may be recurrent abdominal pain.

The true condition of a person can be easily ascertained by examining the stool. This will help determine if it contains active amoebas.

What causes amoebiasis?


More specifically, amebiasis is caused by a microorganism called  Endameba histolytica. This organism spreads to the body through feces and infects other people when it contaminates food or water. It affects the intestinal mucosa, especially the colon.

It causes ulcers and significant or less damage to the mucosa as well as blood loss. Anemia and weakness are then caused not only by the loss of blood, but also by the fact that the  parasites eat a lot of red blood cells. The most common complication is hepatitis.

The infection can last for many years, even a person’s entire life, if not treated properly. It is rare for chronic cases to end in death simply because of a parasitic infection. However, many people who suffer from amoebiasis become weak, making them susceptible to other diseases.

Natural treatments for amoebiasis


in the treatment of oregano amoebiasis

Oregano works to fight inflammation and to promote and improve digestion. Thus, it can be of great benefit in the treatment of the symptoms of a parasitic infection, such as diarrhea. It also soothes cramps as well as reduces intestinal irritation.


  •  1 tablespoon oregano
  •  1 cup water

Do the treatment like this

  1. Boil water.
  2. When the water boils, take the pot off the stove and add the oregano. Then let the drink  simmer for five minutes.
  3. Enjoy the brew  three times a day, always 20 minutes before meals.

Pumpkin seeds

pumpkin seeds in the treatment of amoebiasis

These seeds repel parasites and are cleansing, and because they contain beta-carotene, they are great for treating amoebiasis. They regulate the digestive mucosa and reduce irritation due to diarrhea.

Pumpkin seeds are also  rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids, so they increase energy and generally reduce the well-being of a person with amoebiasis.


  •  2 teaspoons pumpkin seeds
  •  1 cup water

Do the treatment like this

  1. Boil water.
  2. When the water boils, take the pot off the stove and let the water cool down a bit.
  3. Put it in a blender with the seeds, and let the ingredients mix into a smooth liquid.
  4. Enjoy a drink on an  empty stomach every day.


turmeric in the treatment of amoebiasis

Turmeric is  antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, making it an excellent aid in the treatment of parasitic infections. It helps repel parasites and provides protection for the gut.


  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup boiled water

Do the treatment like this

  1. Add turmeric to boiled water.
  2. Mix well and  let the drink simmer for five minutes.
  3. Then enjoy it on an  empty stomach every day.


garlic in the treatment of amoebiasis

Garlic is well suited for those suffering from parasitic infections. It helps control parasites as well as prevent their return.


  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 cup water

Do the treatment like this

  1. Grate the garlic and put it in water, and then cook.
  2. When the liquid boils, take the pot off the stove and let the drink simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. Enjoy the mixture on an  empty stomach and continue treatment for a week.

It is important to keep in mind that amoebiasis can occur in people of any age. That’s why you should be very careful with children when they go out to play, and you should also keep an eye on the things they touch in general. It is also a good idea to wash fruits and vegetables well before eating them.

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