Healthy Foods For Which The Body Thanks

It is important to include certain foods in your diet, even if you don’t like them all, as they are essential for the normal functioning of the body.
Healthy foods for which the body thanks

Some foods we love because of their taste, and some we eat only for our health. In fact, the food we eat is very important to our health.

Poor nutrition predisposes to disease. It can affect the immune system, life expectancy, growth, cognitive abilities, fertility and also appearance.

For this reason, it is very important to follow a balanced diet that includes healthy foods and all the necessary nutrients. We’ll tell you what they are.

Healthy foods that are good for the skin

Food can affect the appearance of your skin

If you want to keep your skin in good condition, you should eat parsley, peppers and dark chocolate.

  • The skin stays beautiful and youthful looking by eating antioxidant-rich foods high in vitamins A, C and E. These vitamins help rejuvenate the skin and protect it from ultraviolet rays.
  • In addition, these foods contain alpha-lipoic acid, which helps stop skin pigmentation.
  • Coenzyme Q10 in these foods, in turn, helps prevent premature aging.
  • Zinc, on the other hand, helps fight inflammation.

Healthy foods that take care of your breasts

If you want to take care of your breasts, you should enjoy broccoli, mushrooms and green tea, for example. These can help prevent breast cancer.

Broccoli can help here because it contains indole-3-carbinol. This substance has very effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

Bone healthy foods

The cheese is good for bones and teeth

Green leafy vegetables, cheese and orange juice are great for bones and teeth due to their high calcium and vitamin D content.

These products improve calcium absorption and can also help with vision problems.

Healthy foods that keep hormones in balance

There are many hormone balancing foods such as salmon, nuts and vegetable oil. Harvard researchers say they are good for the reproductive system.

To keep their hormones in balance, women should eat a certain amount of foods that are high in:

  • Omega-3: a
  • Vitamin E.
  • Jodia
  • Choline
  • Vitamin C.

Healthy foods for weight management

Some foods help with weight management

There are also foods that help keep weight under control, such as meat, eggs, beans, etc.

Children need a lot of protein to grow and into adolescence, and protein is a perfect nutrient for weight management as well.

  • Women should eat about 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
  • If you are very active, the amount should be about 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight.

Necessary foods for the nervous system

The foods that are necessary for the functioning of the nervous system are e.g. avocado, beetroot and carrots.

  • We need at least 400 mg of folic acid, or vitamin B9. It maintains mental balance and strengthens the immune system.

Remember that the nervous system is one of the most important systems in the body. It needs special care because over time, neurons begin to shrink and cause changes in certain body functions. This is why we start to suffer from certain types of pain, stress, depression, tension, anxiety, etc.

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