Health Benefits Of Guava

Guava is low in calories, and this fruit can be a great help in losing weight.
The health benefits of guava

This delicious fruit offers so many benefits that one article is not enough to describe them. In summary, guava is one of the best natural care products in the world.

Are you interested? Keep reading and you will find out what are the benefits of guava for your well-being!

Benefits and health effects of guava

guava trimmed

Guava comes from Peru, Mexico and Brazil. The flesh of the fruit is between cream and pink and the skin is thin (it can be eaten). The aroma is sweet and intense.

In particular, the following stand out from the nutrients:

  • Vitamin C (it is even more abundant than oranges)
  • Vitamins A and B3
  • fiber, glucose and fructose
  • niacin, potassium and flavonoids

Guava is known as an astringent and laxative fruit, and to get these effects it must be eaten raw.

Delicacies that guava is perfect for include:

  • desserts
  • incubators
  • smoothies
  • juice

How does guava increase well-being?

The list is really long, but here are the main benefits of guava:

1. It is helpful in weight loss

If you want to drop a few pounds, avoid fluid retention, or improve your overall health, guava is the perfect help. It is low in calories, fat and protein.

In addition, it is recommended  to increase appetite. The guava leaf bath converts complex carbohydrates into sugars and reduces hunger.

2. It is suitable for the treatment of diabetes and high cholesterol

These two are among the most common health problems in modern society. As for diabetes, a  guava-containing bath reduces blood glucose  without increasing insulin production.

To lower high LDL cholesterol levels, a guava bath is the perfect choice. It does not produce negative effects on HDL cholesterol levels.

3. It helps fight digestive problems

guava in half

For centuries, this fruit has been used to alleviate a number of intestinal problems. Today, many studies prove the benefits of guava for the gut:

  • relief of diarrhea
  • relief of intestinal cramps
  • relief of intestinal edema
  • treatment of irritated stomach
  • alleviation of food poisoning
  • relief of intestinal inflammation (eg acute abdominal pain)
  • control of harmful bacteria
  • relief of constipation
  • expulsion of parasites
  • treatment of irritable bowel syndrome

4. It helps treat dental problems

If you have sores in your mouth or your gums are inflamed, you can take advantage of a guava leaf stew. It also works to treat blisters and helps with toothache as well as bleeding gums.

In these cases, you should chew the leaves of the plant.


  • 3 ripe guavas
  • 1 liter of water


  • Chop the fruit and remove the seeds.
  • Boil water with fruit.
  • Allow to cool and strain.
  • Drink the stew throughout the day.

5. It is an ideal treatment for the skin

guava paloina

In addition to treating wounds and burns, guava prevents inflammation of the skin. Crushed leaves are also helpful for insect bites  or allergic reactions.

If you have pimples or acne, guava is a great exfoliating care product.


  • 1 handful of guava leaves
  • A little water


  • Chop the guava leaves and put them in a blender.
  • Add water and mix well.
  • Apply the mixture to the washed skin in a circular motion.
  • Leave on for ten minutes and remove with warm water.

Guava reduces the premature signs of skin aging. It also helps with scalp problems  – dandruff, hair loss and dermatitis – allowing you to rinse your scalp with liquid after washing your hair.


  • 1 handful of guava leaves
  • ½ liters of water


  • Heat water with leaves.
  • Once boiled, allow the liquid to cool for ten minutes.
  • Strain and pour into a jar.
  • Put the liquid on your scalp and rub the skin with your fingertips.

6. It is recommended for circulatory problems and anemia

guavas as a whole

Guava is able to strengthen capillaries and keep them healthy. It gives them flexibility as well as preventing premature aging. It is suitable for the treatment of varicose veins and improves blood circulation in the limbs.

It increases the number of white blood cells when a person has anemia or suffers from an immunosuppressive disease, or when the body is deficient in certain nutrients.

In this case, you should enjoy the fruit in the form of juice.


  • 3 ripe guavas
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds or oatmeal
  • A cup of soy milk


  • Take out the seeds, chop the fruit and put it in a blender.
  • Add the milk and mix well.
  • Serve with honey and chia seeds or oatmeal.
  • Enjoy a drink in the morning on an  empty stomach and repeat the treatment every day.

Increases the potential of guava

If these effects are not enough yet, here will be more benefits of guava. It handles:

  • cholera
  • smallpox
  • vaginal bleeding
  • dehydration
  • fever
  • biliary fluid accumulation
  • colds
  • bronchial problems
  • jaundice
  • sore throat
  • high blood pressure

Take advantage of the benefits of guava too!

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