Happiness Comes From Within, Not From Another Person

Above all, you must remember that in order to achieve happiness, you must have peace, and you must have you with yourself. From this assumption, you should then cherish this space in everything you do.
Happiness comes from within, not from another person

Human happiness can be found in many different ways. Whether it’s alone or next to the person you love, this positive and always rewarding feeling is part of a certain, almost magical place: the part related to the emotions of the brain. In this article, we consider how happiness comes from within and should not be sought from other people.

That’s why we want to be clear on one thing: if you’re in a relationship with the person you love, this is a great thing, but even in the world’s greatest relationship, this fact holds true: if you don’t feel good, full happiness will never be possible for you.

Well-being, balance and joy are things that should always come from within the human self. So the best way to find happiness, whether you are alone or with another, is to have peace in your heart. You feel good about everything you are and what you have.

This time, we invite you to think about this topic a little more closely: how happiness comes from within, with self-love – keep reading if you want to be aware of what really makes a person  happy .

Happiness comes from within – it’s about the inner journey

Recently, one topic has been on the table very often, which can also be noticed on the shelves of all bookstores: a person’s personal growth and how happiness can be promoted in difficult times.

It is truly ironic, then, that with a large amount of resources and technology in our society, feelings of emptiness, loneliness and sadness are still very strongly present.

Clearly, every person is different, and we all have our own personal spaces within which we try to be happy. Sometimes, however, the uncomfortable feeling that you will never be happy becomes almost constant.

There is a good book on the subject, originally titled “Ser Feliz en Alaska” and translated into English as “You Can be Happy in Alaska” . It deals with cognitive psychology and is designed to help people in a fun and practical way in complex situations such as stress, depression and anxiety.

People are created to be loved, while goods are created to be used. One of the reasons why the world is in such great chaos is that things are loved and people are used.

“You can be happy in Alaska.”

-Rafael Santandreu-

Living in the present without fear

It is important to realize that happiness comes from within, not from another person.


Happiness is above all a lack of fear.

While that feeling, the fear, is very important in the context of evolution (because it can help prevent you from doing something that your brain feels dangerous), it can manifest on even more subtle levels:

  • fear of loneliness
  • the fear that you will not be loved the way you would like
  • the fear that you will not achieve the goals you set for yourself on a daily basis
  • fear that you are not what others expect of you
  • fear that things will change or will not change
  • fear of losing certain things and certain people

All of these situations are no doubt already familiar to you. The first step in building your inner happiness is to rationalize the fear you feel, understand it, and then get over it.

One way to do this is to strengthen your self-esteem and avoid being very attached to some things or people.

Learn to move forward lightly

Going lightly forward is not about not having another person next to you. This is not intended at all – only a few things in life are as awesome as walking hand in hand with your family, friends, and others who have a cherished place in your heart.

  • These partners should let you “go forward lightly”. Anyone who prefers to stand behind you and remind you of your faults, and who whispers in which direction you should go or what paths you should avoid, is not going to help you find your happiness.
  • Walking lightly is about knowing how to put aside what hurts you and what damages your self-esteem or identity.
  • Promoting your freedom also means knowing what your own priorities are. This is something we invite you to think about right now.

Then once you know what’s most important to you, simply fight for it. Everything else is secondary.

Once you know what is most important to you, fight for it.


You should love yourself for the rest of your life

Happiness is a state that comes and goes, we all undoubtedly know this.

You will surely understand this as well: the  key is to achieve an internal balance so that your thoughts are in tune with your feelings and the things you do on a daily basis.

  • Self-love is the perfect method for a person’s mind and emotions to go hand in hand. This way you can quietly create your own reality – it is a vital psychological creation.
  • When you love yourself, you have a bond that connects you to yourself, not to anyone else. Others cannot tell you when you should be happy or unhappy depending on their own desires.
  • You yourself are the one who loves you, and you must fight every single day for your own well-being.

When a person is satisfied with his own self, and when fears give way and dreams appear on the horizon, happiness appears within him and embraces those around him.

Remember that happiness comes from within, from yourself. Happiness is something worth cherishing.

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