Grow Garlic At Home

Sunlight is vital for garlic germination, so garlic should be planted in spring or summer. If you want to grow garlic in the winter, you need to protect the plant from the cold and make sure it gets enough light.
Grow garlic at home

Garlic has many uses in both the kitchen and healthcare. This powerful vegetable is suitable for many different dishes and should always be available in the cupboard. In addition to cooking, garlic can be used in the treatment and prevention of diseases. Grow the garlic yourself at home – this way it is always freshly available and you don’t have to scramble at the store to buy it.

Garlic, like many other vegetables, grows effortlessly in a flowerpot. However, growing garlic requires a bit of patience and knowledge from the gardener, as there are many different varieties of garlic.

First, choose which variety of garlic you want to grow. Grow garlic in a suitable place. Remember that garlic roots grow deep into the ground, and you need a pot at least 20 cm deep to grow it .

Grow garlic at home

to Grow Garlic at Home |

Growing vegetables, herbs and spices at home is a great idea, as this way you know exactly how they have been grown and what ingredients have been used to grow them. You can enjoy real organic food and make sure your food does not contain insecticides or other harmful substances.

By growing garlic in your backyard or greenhouse, you always have garlic available when you need it. Garlic is a healthy addition to the diet of all ages and its health effects are well known.

Garlic contains nitrogen compounds, sodium, potassium, selenium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, hydrogen sulfide, phosphoric acid, vitamins C, D and B, and essential oils.

On top of all this, garlic contains allicin, which is formed when the garlic is crushed or chopped before eating. You make the best use of the nutrients in garlic by eating it raw, for example in salads or on bread. When cooked, garlic loses up to 90% of its nutrients.

The benefits of garlic

  • Improves blood circulation
  • Lowers high blood pressure
  • Reduces malignant cholesterol in the blood
  • Prevents fluid buildup
  • Facilitates digestive function
  • Kills bacteria
  • Helps cleanse the body and eliminate toxins
  • Garlic is a diuretic food that helps prevent and alleviate diseases such as rheumatism, gout, overweight and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Garlic can disinfect the skin: it relieves burns, heals wounds and removes warts
  • Garlic prevents inflammation and disease
  • Garlic has an anticarcinogenic effect that can prevent and treat stomach cancer, bowel cancer, liver and heart cancer, and other cancers
  • Natural antibiotic
  • Kills fungal growth

This is how you plant garlic at home

to Grow Garlic at Home |

To grow garlic at home, you need the following supplies:

  • 1 whole garlic
  • Planting pot, at least 20 cm deep
  • Mold


  • Choose the variety of garlic you want to grow and separate the garlic cloves, leaving the peels on the cloves.
  • Choose a flower pot with a hole in the bottom: this allows excess water to drain away and there is no risk of the roots mold. Use a relatively deep pot, at least 20 cm, and fill it with soil. Leave about an inch of space between the top of the pot and the soil.
  • Place the cloves of garlic in a pot and bury them to a depth of at least 10 inches. Place them in the mold with the tapered end of the nail facing up.
  • You can add garlic cloves on top of the first ones, as long as there is at least 8 cm of space between them.
  • Place the pot in direct sunlight. Garlic needs sun for at least 8 hours a day.

Keep these tips in mind

to Grow Garlic at Home |

Garlic grows best in warm climates, as the sun directly affects its growth. Garlic can be grown in the winter as long as you keep the plant in a warm place and make sure it gets enough light. Of course, this is not so easy for us in Finland, but schedule your upbringing for spring and summer and you will get the best results.

Avoid over-watering the plant, as too much moisture can rot the garlic roots.

Garlic is grown for 8-10 months  before it can be used. You know the garlic is ready when its outermost leaves start to turn brown. You can pull the garlic out of the soil and place it in a cool, dry place for a week. Then you can use your own grown garlic for cooking and healthcare.

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