Green Tea In The Treatment Of Acne: Does It Work?

Green tea is a natural astringent with excellent results in the treatment of acne. Do you know how to use it?
Green Tea in Acne: Does It Work?

Acne is not a serious health problem – at least from an organic point of view. However, it can lead to significant changes in a person’s appearance and thereby a decline in self-esteem. In this article, we look at how green tea can help treat acne.

Acne usually responds well to home-made treatments, some of which contain green tea as an active ingredient. This skin condition rarely becomes resistant to treatment and, if so, requires special intervention. The problem mainly affects teens, although it can also appear at any age.

What is acne?

Face pimples.

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions. It occurs when skin pores become clogged with residues of sebum and dead skin cells.

This skin condition changes the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Our skin has small holes known as skin pores. They are internally connected to the sebaceous glands via hair follicles.

Sebaceous glands produce a fatty substance called sebum. This sebum transports dead skin cells to the surface through the hair follicles. When hair grows through hair follicles and clogs the skin pore together with dead skin cells, sebum and hair usually form a pimple.

The junction of dead skin cells, sebum and hair thus causes the bacteria to accumulate in one place and lead to swelling. It then leads to blockage and acne begins to appear on the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders.

Factors Affecting Acne

Some people are more prone to acne and these factors include age, family background, hormonal changes, skin contact with fatty substances, constant rubbing or pressure on the skin (such as putting the phone against the face), and stress.

Acne can also be exacerbated by several factors. These are:

  • Use of certain medicines. Basically, this includes drugs that contain corticosteroids, lithium, or testosterone.
  • Diet. Studies show that the leading foods for acne are carbohydrates, chocolate and skim milk. The use of fatty foods does not cause a higher incidence.
  • Hormone changes. They occur during or before menstruation or pregnancy, and due to the use of oral contraceptives.
  • Stress. While stress alone does not lead to acne, it can make it worse.

Green tea in the treatment of acne

Green tea is great for treating acne.

Green tea is a natural ingredient that can help treat acne by preventing it. It helps regulate sebum production both when consumed internally and when used externally.

Green tea is a natural astringent that brings good results when used to treat acne. It is also an antioxidant.

Drinking green tea can prevent acne from occurring as it helps reduce the sebum production in the skin. It also regulates insulin and blood sugar levels. As with everything else, moderation is the key word and a cup a day should suffice.

You can also use it externally. Just put a bandage dipped in green tea on the problem area. This helps remove bacteria from the area, reduces inflammation and prevents the formation of pimples.

Other ways to use green tea to treat acne

There are other, slightly more sophisticated ways to use green tea. They not only help treat acne, but also improve the overall appearance of the skin. They also increase the freshness and firmness of the skin, preventing aging. Here are some of the most effective face masks:

  • Green tea and honey. Combine a spoonful of each and mix. Apply the mixture on the face and let it do its job for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cold water and repeat the procedure twice a week.
  • Green tea and aloe vera.  For this treatment, you will need two bags of green tea, a tablespoon of aloe vera and a cup of water. Make tea from two tea bags and let it cool. Then mix it with the other ingredients and put in a spray bottle. Spray on face after bath.

Have you ever tried tea cures for acne? As you can see, its use and application are quite useful in the treatment of this skin condition.

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