Gluten-free, Lactose-free And Sugar-free Cassava-oat Chocolate Cake

While this cassava cake is especially suitable for allergy sufferers, it can also be enjoyed by those who tolerate gluten, lactose and sugar.
Gluten-free, lactose-free and sugar-free cassava-oat chocolate cake

There is a growing demand for gluten-free, lactose-free and sugar-free recipes, both due to allergies and the desire to eat healthier. The cassava-oat-chocolate cake recipe we’ve shared in this article is a delicious alternative for quenching sweet cravings without guilt. See how this delicious cake for everyone is easily made.

What is cassava?

This cake contains cassava

Cassava or cassava grows in hot climates such as South America, Central America and Africa.

The plant is eaten with its starchy root. The flour made from it is suitable for many recipes, especially pastries.

The great advantage of cassava is that it does not contain gluten. This recipe is, in fact, similar to other types of cassava pastries that are baked extensively in Colombia and Paraguay, for example.

There are two types of cassava: bitter and sweet. The latter is used in this recipe.

It is important to stress that cassava should never be eaten raw as it can be toxic.

Are dairy products good?

dairy products

Different factors must be taken into account when consuming dairy products:

  • Milk and other dairy products today are relatively unhealthy because they are high in added substances such as hormones and antibiotics.
  • Organic dairy products from free-range cows are an exception.
  • Many do not digest lactose well, as the lactase enzyme usually disappears from the body as it ages.
  • Dairy products are associated with increased mucus production in the respiratory tract.
  • Some people experience swelling of the face or body if they consume dairy products in the evening.
  • Dairy products can cause skin problems such as dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.

However, some are able to consume milk and other dairy products throughout their lives without any problems.

Better without sugar

There are many ways to replace sugar

Healthy eating requires reducing the intake of sugar and sugar-containing products.

We would be surprised to see how much sugar lies in the drinks and sweets we consume every day.

Whenever possible, it is advisable to choose products sweetened with honey, molasses, stevia, agave syrup, coconut sugar, etc. The taste buds gradually get used to these flavors, and the sugar addiction disappears.

Cake from cassava, oats and chocolate


  • 3 eggs
  • 300 g of cassava flour
  • 90 g of oatmeal
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla extract
  • 110 g of mild olive oil, sunflower oil or coconut oil
  • 500 ml coconut, oat or rice milk (gluten free)
  • 110 g of agave syrup or coconut sugar
  • A touch of sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon dry yeast
  • Chocolate tops (without milk)


  • Put the oven to warm to 180 degrees.
  • The cake is made easier with the help of a food processor.
  • Use eggs in a food processor.
  • Add vanilla extract, salt, sweetener, vegetable milk and oil, and stir again.
  • Add cassava flour and oatmeal and continue mixing.
  • Finally, add the dry yeast and mix everything well. The composition should be relatively liquid.
  • We recommend using individual muffin molds, such as those made of silicone, and filling three-quarters of each. Alternatively, the rectangular cake pan also works well.
  • Add a few chocolate chips to each mold.
  • Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. Make sure the cake or cakes are fully cooked before taking them out of the oven.
  • If you used silicone pans, remove the cakes from them immediately to prevent the bottoms from getting wet.
  • Let cool and enjoy!

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