Get Rid Of Tongue Whiteness With 8 Natural Treatments

Keeping your mouth clean isn’t just about brushing your teeth. Even your language plays an important role in whether or not oral health is good.
Get rid of the whiteness of the tongue with 8 natural treatments

Your tongue is one of the most important muscles in your entire body. And if your tongue is white, the dilemma can actually be a big drawback.

The language allows you to taste all the flavors of the food you eat. In addition, it is a vital part of talking, as is swallowing food and drink.

When the tongue is healthy, its color is  pink and its surface is covered by small bumps. Sometimes, however, the color of the tongue is more white.

At this point, it should then be mentioned that the white color in the tongue does not always mean that the tongue is “dirty”. There are some diseases that can cause this change. These include:

  • redhead
  • fungal infection
  • jaundice

If you do not suffer from any of these problems, there is no need to worry about the phenomenon, as  the white tint of the tongue is not a serious problem and is also only temporary.

This is a common phenomenon for those who do not clean their tongue often. It should be remembered that this is just as important as brushing your teeth, and it should get just as much attention.

In addition to affecting your appearance, white language can change the taste of the food you eat, as well as cause bad breath and other problems.

What causes the whiteness of the tongue?

woman with white tongue

The whiteness of the language may be due to the following:

  • food particles
  • bacteria
  • dead cells
  • inflamed taste buds (this is due to lack of hydration)
  • dry mouth or low humidity
  • excessive use of alcohol or tobacco
  • fever
  • very acidic or sugary foods
  • use of certain antibiotics or other drugs
  • some diseases (syphilis, liver blockage, fungal infection, etc.)

How can language be prevented from turning white?

The best way to prevent this phenomenon is to adopt a balanced diet. This will cleanse your body and improve your immunity.

The following are helpful:

  • Start your day with a glass of water mixed with lemon juice.
  • Once a day, eat sugar-free natural yogurt. This will allow you to effectively increase your resistance.
  • Eat raw vegetables (spinach, tomato, lettuce, paprika or onion). Thanks to the nutrients they contain, they help cleanse the body and keep it healthy.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, not only water, but also natural juices (blueberry, carrot or apple help in cleansing).
  • Eat fruits that are high in vitamin C (orange, mandarin, kiwi, strawberry or pineapple).

If the problem persists, you should contact your doctor to make sure that white language is not the result of you having a more serious problem.

Fortunately, however, there are natural treatments that can make this phenomenon disappear. In addition, the following treatments will keep your mouth healthy and clean, so you should definitely give it a try!

1. Coarse salt


Salt is one of the best home products if you want to treat tongue that has turned white. It acts as a natural scraper on the tongue and  removes dead cells and other dirty particles that have been allowed to accumulate.

In addition, its antiseptic properties cause the disappearance of bacteria that cause bad breath.

How is this treatment done?

  • Sprinkle a little salt on your tongue.
  • Use a toothbrush and slowly brush the tongue for a minute.
  • Rinse with warm water.
  • Repeat this process twice a day.

Another option is to gargle your mouth with salt water.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 cup warm water (200 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon coarse salt

How is this treatment done?

  • Put a teaspoon of salt in warm water, mix well, and then gargle for a minute.
  • Repeat this treatment a few times a week.

2. Turmeric

Because this product has antibacterial properties, turmeric is the perfect help to banish the whiteness of the tongue.

It prevents the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath and the color of the surface of the tongue turns white.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
  • Juice from one lemon

How is this treatment done?

  • Combine the turmeric with the lemon juice until you get a paste.
  • Brush your tongue with the paste and then leave on for 2-3 minutes.
  • After this, rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • Repeat this treatment once a day, and continue it for 3-5 days.

If you want, you can also rinse your mouth with the mixture.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)

How is this treatment done?

  • Mix the ingredients and then gargle the mixture into your mouth twice a day.

3. Natural yogurt


This product is an effective aid in removing the whiteness of the tongue. Yogurt contains probiotics that remove the fungus that is sometimes the cause of that problem.

How is this treatment done?

  • To get rid of the whiteness of the tongue, eat 125 ml of yogurt a day. This will allow you to improve the health of your tongue in the first place, but you will also benefit your gut.

4. Baking soda

Baking soda is a natural exfoliating agent  that helps remove the residue that sticks to the tongue. In addition, it neutralizes acids, so it helps keep the pH level good.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • Juice from one lemon

How is this treatment done?

  • Mix baking soda with lemon juice, and make the ingredients into a paste.
  • Use a paste to brush your teeth and tongue.
  • Then rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • Repeat this treatment once a day.

You can also rinse your mouth with the mixture.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 cup water (200 ml)

How is this treatment done?

  • Put baking soda in water, mix well, and spray with liquid for about a minute. Do not swallow liquid.

5. Garlic

Chewing garlic is a great help for this purpose as it is a natural antiseptic and mouthwash removing product.

How is this treatment done?

  • All you have to do is chew a clove of garlic once a day. If you don’t want to chew it as is, you can add it to your dishes.
  • Eating garlic is also helpful in improving blood circulation and improving the appearance of the skin.

6. Aloe Vera juice

Because this product works to reduce and cure inflammation, aloe Vera is also one solution to get rid of the whiteness of the tongue. It works effectively in the treatment of oral problems and is a good help especially with regard to the tongue as it works against microbes.

Necessary ingredients

  • 2 tablespoons aloe vera juice

How is this treatment done?

  • Take a tablespoon of aloe vera juice and gargle it over your mouth for three minutes.
  • Then spit the liquid out.
  • Then take another tablespoon of aloe vera juice.
  • Repeat this process twice a day, and continue treatment for two weeks.

7. Plant glycerin

etheric oil

Plant glycerin is another natural product that helps expel the whiteness of the tongue, especially when the problem is due to dry mouth.

It also helps control bad breath. It can be purchased from any store that sells natural products.

Necessary ingredients

  • 1/2 tablespoon vegetable glycerin

How is this treatment done?

  • Put some plant glycerin in your mouth and brush slowly.
  • Rinse mouth with warm water.
  • Repeat this process twice a day until your tongue returns to its normal pink color.

Other tips for removing whiteness of the tongue

  • Drink enough water to keep your tongue clean. By doing this, you will be able to get rid of food particles left in your mouth.
  • Eat crunchy vegetables such as apples, guava and others that cleanse the tongue naturally.
  • Always gargle the food off with warm water from time to time, and do so especially after each meal so that you can avoid the accumulation of food on the tongue and mouth anyway.
  • When brushing your teeth, always brush your tongue so you can keep your oral hygiene good.
  • You can use a tongue cleaner to get rid of the accumulated white layer.
  • If whiteness on the tongue does not go away within two weeks, and if it is accompanied by pain and inflammation, contact your doctor immediately.

Have you noticed that your tongue is white  instead of the normal red color? Try these instructions to get rid of that common ailment by natural means!

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