Foods Causing Swelling

Abdominal swelling can be a frustrating affliction, but you can reduce the swelling by natural means.
Foods that cause swelling

The feeling of swelling after a big meal is common, and not in itself a symptom of a serious problem. However, the feeling is annoying and makes it difficult to dress when certain outfits do not sit with a swollen abdomen. The feeling of discomfort also makes many easily irritated and in a bad mood. The purpose of this article is to introduce foods that cause swelling so that you can avoid eating them in the future, or at least exercise caution.

Foods that cause swelling can cause flatulence and abdominal pain. So to make it easier for you, take a look at the list below, where we present the foods that cause swelling, and the information pack that follows.

Foods that cause swelling

  • Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are famous causes of flatulence and abdominal pain. If you are familiar with these symptoms, it is best to reduce the consumption of these foods.
  • Excessive use of salt in food may also cause bloating in the abdomen. Salt causes fluid to build up in the body, which in turn causes swelling in the abdominal area. Reduce the use of salt and thus reduce the feeling of discomfort, as well as other health risks associated with salt, especially if you suffer from high blood pressure.
  • Beans are another food known to cause stomach problems. However, not all people suffer as much from the negative effects associated with eating beans, and these individuals can enjoy beans without major problems.
  • Carbonated soft drinks are generally very unhealthy, but the amount of calories and sugar they contain can easily cause flatulence and bloating. The best option is to replace these drinks completely with healthy juices or an even healthier drink, water.
  • Dairy products. If you have not used dairy products for some time or if you are lactose intolerant, dairy products may cause discomfort, pain or even diarrhea. It is important that if you suspect intolerance or allergy to dairy products, check with your doctor. Failure to start treatment in this case may cause considerable discomfort.
  • Deep-fried foods are also on the list of foods that cause stomach problems. They are difficult to digest and remain in the digestive tract for a long time, generating gases in the gut.
  • Chewing gum can also be a contributor to stomach upset. This is because when you chew gum, a lot of extra air gets into your stomach.
Foods causing swelling - carbonated beverages.


Reduce swelling

Whenever you sit down to eat, it is best to forget your worries for a moment, including calls, quarrels, etc. It is best to move away from your mind during a meal. These types of situations make a person eat faster and chew carelessly. This is later manifested as discomfort due to poor digestion.

Slow digestion gives food a lot of time to oxidize inside the body, causing gas formation and constipation. If you feel very nervous, don’t try to sit down to eat. It is best to try to calm down first and eat only when you feel more balanced. Eating is a common way to try to cure stress, but it causes a heavy feeling in the stomach.

As long as bloating and inflammatory symptoms occur temporarily and with the consumption of certain foods, this is not a serious problem. However, if, in addition to swelling and flatulence, you suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, or other symptoms, it is necessary to consider seeing a doctor.

Natural treatments for bloating


Ginger helps with bloating.

Ginger naturally has anti-inflammatory properties, making it the recommended treatment for abdominal edema due to difficult digestion. In addition, it helps control flatulence.

Herbal teas

Herbal teas that contain chamomile, mint, peppermint, or sage are very effective in treating a swollen stomach. In addition to these herbs, you can try a teaspoon of cinnamon soaked in hot water. Let it stand for at least 15 minutes. You can also add honey to sweeten to taste.

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