Effective Cleansing Treatment For Kidneys

It is recommended that a cleansing course be performed at least once a year to remove all toxins from the body, especially the kidneys. We will teach you how to do the cleansing course yourself.
An effective cleansing treatment for the kidneys

Usually when starting a cleansing regimen or diet, its main goal is weight loss. Some diets and cleansing regimens, on the other hand, are especially suitable for healing the kidneys.

It is important to keep the kidneys healthy and efficient.  They are only about eight inches wide and thirteen inches long, about the size of a fist. The kidneys are located just above the waist, behind the abdominal cavity. Their main function is to cleanse the body. They separate good and evil substances, eliminating evil.

Given how important they are, we want to recommend an effective cleansing regimen so you can keep your kidneys healthy.

Kidney function

a cleansing course for the kidneys is recommended if you suffer from swelling

The kidneys are the main filters for the blood in the body. They preserve substances that can be used by the body and eliminate the rest through the urine. In addition to filtering blood, the kidneys also have other functions, which highlights the importance of keeping them in good condition. These tasks include:

  • Filters 1.80 liters of fluid per day.
  • Forms 1.5-2 liters of urine.
  • Eliminates toxins.
  • Utilizes good substances such as water, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and glucose.
  • An important synthesizer of the hormone erythropoietin, which is responsible for the production of red blood cells.
  • It plays a significant role in renin synthesis, which is a hormone that regulates blood pressure.
  • Participates in the production of vitamin D, which keeps bones healthy, producing calcitriol.
  • Helps the body maintain homeostasis.

In order to decide if a cleansing course for the kidneys would be necessary in our own place, we need to consider the signs of language problems:

  • Liquid accumulation
  • Altered odor, color, or amount
  • Pain when urinating
  • Possible cystitis
  • Risen bloodpressure
  • Possible kidney disease
  • General fatigue
  • Itchy pimples on the skin

An effective cleansing treatment for the kidneys

You should clean your kidneys at least once a year.  First, however, you need to know which foods to avoid because they affect kidney function.

location of the kidneys in the body

You should avoid eating too much salt as well as foods that leave behind toxic residues such as coffee, lentils, walnuts and plums. Also avoid foods high in purine as they increase the amount of uric acid in the body. Here are some examples:

  • Sardines
  • Anchovies
  • Sausages and meat in shell
  • Viscera
  • Pea plants

At the same time, be careful with foods that are high in potassium, as they can be problematic for people with kidney disease or, in general, a weak kidney. If so, avoid spinach, sweet potatoes, oranges, cabbage and potatoes.

Refuse large portions as certain foods require the kidneys to work harder. They can be harmful, especially if they are products of animal origin. While we do not tell you to eliminate them from your diet, we recommend that you eat them in moderation. Monitor your portion size, especially for the following foods:

  • Meat
  • Poultry
  • Dairy products and their derivatives (especially containing lactose)
  • Eggs

Reduce sugar consumption

We talk about sugar separately, because it is the food that should be the least in our diet. You’ve probably heard of it from your parents, grandparents, and doctors already.

Excessive sugar consumption leads not only to diabetes and high cholesterol, but also to kidney problems. The kidneys are weakened by a diet high in sugar and saturated fats.

What should you eat to cleanse your kidneys?

The cleansing course should only take a few days. Diuretics play an important role in these diets as they help the body eliminate toxins.  Some dishes to try include broccoli, artichoke, pineapple, onion and watercress.

cleansing for the kidneys includes pineapple

When eating such foods, also drink diuretic beverages. The best options are those with parsley, anise, dandelion and field card. All you have to do is boil the water and add the ingredients you want. Prepare and drink the drink for up to a week.

Throw the field card in a liter of water and bring it to a boil. It can be stored in the refrigerator. Enjoy a liter of field card water daily for 15 days.

These drinks, combined with a diuretic diet, are great kidney cleansers.

Drink plenty of water

Drink 2-3 liters of water daily. Water helps your kidneys function efficiently and effortlessly. If you eat a lot of protein, increase the amount of water by one or two glasses.

If you have problems urinating or if you suffer from swelling or fluid retention, talk to your doctor about your plan and diet before starting a cleansing course.

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