Easy Homemade Ant Repellents

Mint, lavender, apple cider vinegar and many other familiar ingredients in the home are also great natural ant repellents.
Easy homemade ant repellents

You can resort to natural ant repellents if you are tired of these little bugs, for example, indoors in your home. They are easy to make from simple ingredients that you may already find in your home, and they usually also have a pleasant scent. But most importantly, they help get rid of these pests. In this article, we introduce easy homemade ant repellents.


Ants can’t harm humans, and yet many creep them in a biscuit jar and prefer to keep them out of pantries.

These little bugs eat virtually anything: any kind of organic matter, whether of animal or vegetable origin, including herbs, meats, fruits, dairy products, vegetables, oils, juices, nuts, grains, sugar, and seeds.

Ants can be expelled from their homes by natural means

They usually live in dark caches, in the countryside, in the desert, in the jungle, and even in urban and industrial areas. They basically take over any place where they could possibly get food. For this reason, ants are always seen in the vicinity of green vegetation.

Sometimes they build their communities around the roots of plants. This isn’t usually a problem, but conflicts of interest can arise in the event that they decide to settle down to plant a plant in your very own living room or garden.

Easy homemade ant repellents

Here are some easy homemade ant repellents to help you get rid of these intruders in your home by natural means.

1. Apple cider vinegar

Vinegar is an ideal product for cleaning the home and also for repelling pests. Clean the areas occupied by ants with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and warm water (put the ingredients in half and half). The substance works like a miracle, as insects cannot tolerate the smell of apple cider vinegar and the acids it contains are toxic to them.

2. Chalk and talcum powder are easy homemade ant repellents

Chalk familiar from school and also talcum powder are two effective ant repellents. Sprinkle either substance and place in places conquered by ants. You will notice how quickly they disappear.

3. Lemon juice

Lemon is one of the most effective natural ant repellents, as its acids confuse the directional sense of ants.

Sprinkle it on the ant pathway and in front of doors and windows. You can sprinkle it as it is or dilute it in water however you like best.

4. Coffee beans

Coffee beans not only neutralize odors, but also repel ants. Mix the coffee beans with baking soda and sprinkle it where necessary.

5. Mint

Mint can be made into easy homemade ant repellents

Essential mint oil can help banish ants from your garden. Put it on just a few drops of doors and windows. Another way to utilize mint is to put it dried inside the bags and hang the bags in the corners of the windows.

6. Citrus and throat peels are easy homemade ant repellents

We already talked about the ant repellent properties of lemon juice. You can also enhance the effect of lemon juice by also utilizing fruit peel. Peelings of oranges, grapefruits and mandarins, among others, are also available.

The bark of the cucumber is effective, for when it lands it is toxic to ants, leaving the ants away from them.

7. Aromatic plants

Fragrant plants such as lavender, green mint, mint, or perennial flower can help banish ants out of your home as their scent keeps them at bay.

8. Soapy rose water

Water doesn’t bother ants, but they hate soap because it prevents them from moving freely around. So you can make a simple ant repellent by mixing a few drops of liquid soap or detergent with a small amount of rose water.

Add easy homemade ant repellents

Consider the following ant repellents if the ant population in your home is too large:

  • Recipe 1. Put 30 ml of each of the following essences: tea tree, rose, cinnamon, mint, spinach and lemonella in an empty container or bottle and mix them together. Then put about 5 dl of water and two large tablespoons of this mixture in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on places where ants often thrive.
  • Recipe 2. Put 250 ml of water, one large tablespoon of hot chili sauce, 0.5 dl of liquid soap and a small tablespoon of mint or green mint essence in the spray bottle. Spray the mixture on the areas occupied by ants.
  • Recipe 3. Transform a handful of nettle leaves in a mortar and place them in five liters of water. Bring to a boil for half an hour, remove from the plate and simmer for five hours. Finally, pour into the spray bottle and spray the liquid on the areas with the ant problem.

Now you know many easy homemade ant repellents that are also pleasantly scented. What are you going to try first?

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