Does Your Stomach Swell? 8 Ways To Relieve Swelling

In addition to following a balanced diet, you can rub your stomach topically to reduce its swelling and discomfort. Read more in this article!
Does your stomach swell?  8 ways to relieve swelling

Does your stomach swell and you don’t know how to get rid of the unpleasant swelling? Today, we want to make a set of recommendations that will help alleviate the problem easily and quickly.

1. Massages to reduce flatulence

Sometimes bloating occurs due to flatulence. Fortunately, in these cases, the problem can be avoided with a simple massage.

What should you do?

  • Place four fingers horizontally over the center of the abdomen. The point below your index finger is what you are supposed to find.
  • Once you have located the area, gently massage the area clockwise for two or three minutes.
  • You know you are massaging the right way if it increases the secretion of saliva.

2. Massage to reduce swelling

abdominal massage

If you are trying to reduce the fluid that has accumulated in the tissues, making your stomach look swollen, a simple massage will make the task easier.

What should you do?

  • Also in this massage, use your navel as a fixed point. The point you are looking for is about two finger widths above the navel.
  • You need to press the area slightly and rub it for two or three minutes clockwise and then in the other direction.

3. Massage to increase intestinal function

The following massage will help increase intestinal activity and prevent constipation, which can be one of the causes of bloating.

What should you do?

  • This time, you should focus on a point that is about four fingers wide below the navel. Rub it for two or three minutes clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  • This simple movement promotes peristaltic contractions.
  • In addition to relieving constipation, it helps with bloating.

4. Does your stomach swell? Drink lemon water!


lemon water

Did you know that drinking warm lemon water 15-20 minutes before breakfast helps regulate stomach acid production and relieve the symptoms of heartburn?

This drink stops belching and prevents gas formation in the gut. In addition, it is a great source of vitamin C.

5. Skip the latte for breakfast

Coffee with milk is one of the most common drinks at breakfast. However, if you want to keep your digestive system healthy, you should forget about this drink and enjoy something healthier.

Keep in mind that milk stimulates the production of stomach acids. Coffee has a similar effect on the stomach as milk, so together they add more acids.

What should you do?

  • If you can’t be without dairy products in the morning, you can substitute milk with yogurt. This will get good bacteria to digest the food.

6. Do not drink alcohol on an empty stomach

Remember that alcoholic beverages also stimulate the production of stomach acids. This is a problem when the abdomen is empty as it slows down the work of the abdomen itself and damages its walls.

If you drink alcohol regularly, you should also know that it destroys bacteria in the stomach and intestines.

It is best to drink alcohol in moderation so that there is some food in your stomach.

7. Eliminate fatty foods from your diet to avoid bloating

Regular eating of fatty foods should be avoided at all costs. Try to remember that fast food and sugary desserts, for example, are heavy and can slow down digestion. The harder it is for your body to digest food, the more gas it produces.

If you want to avoid the heavy feeling and discomfort associated with such foods, we recommend following a more balanced diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables.

Your body will surely notice the change.

8. Eat high-fiber foods, but in moderation


High-fiber foods are a great choice, but be careful not to eat them too much.

Make sure you get your daily ration of fruits, vegetables, berries and legumes without going overboard. This is because too much fiber can cause more gas and swelling. It can even slow down bowel function.

Does your stomach swell? These changes in diet help to relieve swelling quickly.

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