Diet To Reduce Bad Cholesterol

This time, we’ll describe two different types of cholesterol and tell you why one of these is detrimental to your health. You will also get tips to reduce bad cholesterol from your body.
Diet to reduce bad cholesterol

Hypercholesterolemia, or high cholesterol, means high cholesterol, and it is one of the most common ailments of mankind. The accumulation of too much bad cholesterol in the body can be life-threatening over time as it causes heart problems. Thus, it is important to do your best to reduce bad cholesterol in the body.

In general, the development of high cholesterol may depend on genetic factors. However, it is also a matter of  poor diet and lack of exercise, as in most cases high cholesterol develops in connection with these phenomena.

Given that high cholesterol is a very common ailment today, this time we want to tell you about things you can change in your own diet to reduce the amount of cholesterol in your body.

If your own diet is unhealthy, don’t hesitate to change your habits by following these guidelines!

What should you know about cholesterol first?

In general, cholesterol is a molecular fat that is necessary for human function and is present in the blood and cells of both animals and humans. Your body needs it to make hormones, bile acids, vitamin D, and other substances.

However, an increase in cholesterol can be a danger to a person’s physical health. This is because  it builds up in the arteries, which prevents the blood from flowing properly, resulting in high blood pressure in the arteries.

desperate man at the doctor

It should also be noted that  the accumulation of cholesterol can completely clog the artery, which can cause cell death in those tissues that do not receive blood. In the same way, cholesterol can cause blood clots.

These clots can progress to very narrow arteries and clog them, and this can lead to paralysis or heart attack.

Now then, we take a closer look at cholesterol and how you can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in your body.

Types of cholesterol

Because cholesterol is a molecular fat, it cannot progress freely in liquid blood. Thus, a factor called lipoprotein carries cholesterol. Depending on the type of lipoprotein, cholesterol is either good or bad.

  • Low-density lipoproteins  are responsible for taking cholesterol from the blood into the tissues.
  • High-density lipoproteins , in turn, are responsible for the removal of cholesterol that clogs tissues. They do this by passing it through the liver and thus causing cholesterol to be eliminated.

Thus, low density lipoproteins are the ones that should be reduced as they clog the arteries. This type of cholesterol is commonly known as “bad cholesterol,” and high-density lipoproteins are associated with “good cholesterol” because they remove bad cholesterol.

Foods high in cholesterol

A balanced diet is necessary to reduce or prevent bad cholesterol. To do this, you need to know which foods are high in cholesterol and which are not. Some examples of foods that are high in it are:

Avoid red meat to reduce bad cholesterol
  • red meat and processed meats
  • mussels and lobster
  • egg yolk
  • whole milk and yoghurt made from it, fatty cheeses and cream
  • butter and fat

Foods with no cholesterol at all

Fortunately, there are these options too, i.e.  products that you can enjoy without worrying about getting bad cholesterol at all.  Here are the best options:

  • Foods containing fiber.  Fiber has properties that prevent the absorption of cholesterol into the bloodstream.
  • Antioxidant foods as they prevent arterial blockage.
  • Products containing unsaturated fatty acids  increase the production of good or high density cholesterol.

Diet to reduce bad cholesterol

healthy foods to reduce bad cholesterol

Now, then, here are some good tips  for creating a diet that effectively regulates cholesterol levels for healthier:

  • Enjoy plenty of fruits and vegetables. Five servings of fruits and vegetables a day is the best way to get enough fiber and antioxidants.
  • Increase your fish intake. Fish is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which lower cholesterol.
  • Reduce your  intake of red meat as this meat is high in cholesterol. Enjoy it only once a week.
  • Include nuts in your diet. They contain polyunsaturated fatty acids that reduce that molecule.
  • Eat whole grains and legumes. These foods help prevent the absorption of cholesterol as they are high in fiber. So enjoy whole grains and legumes daily.
  • Minimize your sugar intake. Sugar can raise the amount of cholesterol, so it is important to limit its intake.
  • Avoid fried foods. When these are eaten too much, they can be very harmful if you want to control the amount of cholesterol in your body more effectively.
  • Use olive oil.  Although this is fat, it is polyunsaturated and is recommended for use in place of animal fats. You can also enjoy calendula or sunflower oil.
  • Keep your egg intake within healthy limits. Enjoy more protein than yolks, as the above do not have as much cholesterol as yolk. However, eggs are healthy and good nutrition, so don’t leave them out of your diet altogether.

Then another important reminder:  complete your life change by doing enough exercise.  Also, keep in mind that if your body has high cholesterol, you may need medication. If this is the case, you should get medical help to control the situation.

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