Delicious Corn Sausages – Have You Already Tried?

German sausages – or more precisely the so-called Frankfurt sausages – are best suited for making corn sausages and are also available in different sizes.
Delicious corn sausages - have you already tried?

Do you find yourself often craving sausage? What about corn sausage – or do you even know what it’s all about? In fact, this traditional dish is very easy to make, and you can make corn sausages at home and very cheaply.

It is a German or, more precisely, a so-called Frankfurt sausage to which eggs, milk and wheat flour are added. Although the recipe originally originated in the United States, its ease and deliciousness have made corn sausages great favorites in other countries as well. The clear and unique taste is suitable for many, and it is also a food that satisfies very hunger.

Because corn sausages are thick, it is worth noting that they are high in calories and also high in carbohydrates and trans fats. As with most other fatty foods, when eaten in moderation, eating corn sausages is perfectly OK.

One common myth is that any fatty food, dessert, or fried food is “harmful” to the body. However, this belief has not been scientifically proven, as what matters in terms of fat and other similar factors is reasonableness.

Now then, let’s take a closer look at the recipe, which is where here comes the easy guide to making the famous corn sausages at home, especially in the United States.

Corn sausages: basic recipes for home cooking

Traditional corn sausage


This is the best known version of corn sausage, and you may find that the recipe is very easy. When you know it well, you can easily make a few changes or become very creative.

This is such a quick and easy recipe that in less than ten minutes you will see the raw materials transform into typical corn sausages. One good idea is to serve them with homemade ketchup or mayonnaise.


  • 10 Frankfurt sausages
  • 10 wooden sticks
  • 240 g of wheat flour
  • 1 egg
  • 125 ml of milk
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • A little salt
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda


  • Start by piercing the sausages with wooden sticks and then set them aside.
  • Then Prepare the ingredients needed to fry the sausages – put the flour, egg, baking soda and milk in a bowl.
  • Next, whisk the ingredients well to obtain a fairly thick composition.  Note that there should be no lumps in the mixture at all.
  • Then pour the liquid into the cup and soak each sausage in the mixture.
  • Take too much of the mixture off the sausages and let them fry until they are golden brown in color.

Corn sausages with cheese


The recipe has a small variation on the classic style of making corn sausages, but this food is a sure hit! You can add a few ingredients to your taste to make the corn sausages heavenly irresistible.


  • 10 Frankfurt sausages
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 10 slices of cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 250 ml of milk
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 120 g of wheat flour
  • 120 g of cornmeal
  • 10 wooden sticks


  1. Pierce the sausages with wooden sticks.
  2. Then wrap the sausages in slices of cheese and make sure the cheese stays firmly pressed lightly with your fingertips. Put the sausages aside.
  3. Prepare a mixture for frying sausages: egg, wheat flour, corn flour, baking soda and milk.
  4. Put all the ingredients in a medium bowl and whisk the mixture until it is smooth and fairly thick.
  5. Finally, dip each sausage in the mixture and fry until the color turns golden brown.

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