Delicious And Caring Drinks From Pineapple Peel

Pineapple peel often flies in the trash, but it is worth recovering.
Delicious and caring drinks from pineapple peel

Pineapple peel usually flies in the trash, but did you know that you can make pineapple peel into delicious drinks while retaining all the caring properties of the fruit. The drinks are excellent for preventing, among other things, inflammation, constipation, fluid retention and parasites.

Don’t throw this part of the pineapple away . We’ll cover all the properties of the peel and two simple recipes for pineapple peel drinks step by step in this article: one boiled drink from pineapple peel and one fermented drink high in probiotics.

If the fruit is organic, we recommend eating its peel as well, as it has many health benefits: in this case, specifically pineapple. Another advantage is that the pineapple is a fruit that is usually free of pesticides because it tends to grow wild.

The most important qualities

  • Helps fight intestinal problems.
  • Promotes good digestion thanks to bromelain. Bromelain is an enzyme that improves the digestive process. It is an ideal dessert after meat or fish. On the other hand, we do not recommend combining carbohydrates (flour, pasta, potatoes, etc.) with the same meal.
  • Improves intestinal function, constipation and hemorrhoids.
  • Protects microbial flora in the colon
  • It is an effective natural anti-inflammatory, which is good for inflammation of muscles, throat, etc.
  • Helps speed up the healing of injuries that have come from accidents or surgeries.
  • It has anticarcinogenic properties.
  • Improves blood circulation and has anticoagulant properties.
  • Helps you lose weight and fight cellulite.
  • It is a good diuretic to help you get rid of excess fluids in your body.
  • In addition to other fruit properties, pineapple peel is also a good blood purifier.
You can get a tasty drink from the pineapple peel

One of the easiest pineapple peel drinks can be prepared as follows:

1. Wash the pineapple well and peel it.

2. Cut the shell into very small pieces and boil in about a liter of water.

3. Boil covered on low heat for about 15 to 20 minutes.

4. Then let simmer for another five minutes.

5. Sweeten with honey or stevia.

6. You can drink it hot after cooking, or even cold.


This second recipe, which is common in Central and South America, is not very complicated and you can serve it with a meal to surprise your guests. It’s good to have meat or fish with you in the meal because the drink will help you digest them much better.

Because this drink is fermented, it has a lot of  probiotics that further improve intestinal health.


You will need one large or two medium-sized ripe pineapples. Peel them well and peel. Cut the shell into small pieces and place them in an airtight glass or ceramic container. Add two liters of water, 500 grams of brown sugar, cane sugar or cane sugar syrup to this container.

Close tightly and let stand at room temperature for 48 hours. Then strain the drink. Add another liter of water and simmer again for 12 hours. After that, add 7.5 deciliters of water and the drink is ready.

Before serving, we recommend cooling the drink in the refrigerator. You can also store it in the freezer.

During fermentation, this beverage initially produces probiotic microorganisms. If you let it run longer, it turns into an alcoholic beverage and then vinegar.


You can get different flavors by adding orange or grapefruit peel, cinnamon stick or cloves to the tank in addition to the pineapple peel.


It is important that pineapple has not been treated with pesticides for two reasons. The first is that consuming them can be harmful to your health in the long run. Another reason is to get rid of harmful microorganisms and create beneficial microorganisms.


Photos: Neil-farnworth, Noema Perez and haleysuzanne

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