Cell Phone Radiation – Facts And Warnings

Almost every Finn owns a mobile phone. Cell phones are being seen by younger and younger people and the phone is being rapted in every situation, from being able to connect with friends and work email, being able to read the news and acting as a camera and weather forecaster. 5 billion people in the world use mobile phones.
Cell Phone Radiation Facts And Warnings

In recent years, health experts have been concerned about the use of electronic devices and how much time people spend on devices. Sure, technology makes life much easier today: there are GPS and map services, tomorrow’s weather will clear in an instant, a friend can be connected in seconds, and news spreads around the world in minutes. However, researchers have warned of the effects of microwaves and wireless frequencies on electronic devices in the body, as today almost everyone is exposed to significantly more radiation than even 30 years ago. The subject of this article is radiation from cell phones, and we’ll tell you the facts and give warnings – so keep reading.

Some researchers believe that portable devices, such as telephones, can even cause cancer and other dangerous diseases. With the development of wireless technology, one does not even realize that one is constantly exposed to radiation and waves.

Why are experts worried about the use of mobile phones?

According to some researchers, cell phone radiation can even cause cancer.


Recent studies suggest that regular use of a cell phone may not be as safe as might be expected. This is for the following reasons:

  • Over the years, mobile phone technology has evolved rapidly and efficiently. The number and length of calls made has increased significantly. The radiation of mobile phones and its effect on humans is not yet fully known, and the study of possible side effects is not of interest to phone manufacturers.
  • The increase in calls increases radiation exposure and increases the risk of cancer.
  • Mobile phones are used all over the world and many people even have a few different phones for different purposes. Mobile phones are the most purchased and used electronic devices.
  • According to the U.S. Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association , in 2010, there were 303 million cell phone users in the United States alone .
  • This is almost three times the number in 2000, when there were 110 million users. The use of mobile phones has exploded.
  • Globally, there were an estimated 5 billion mobile phone users in 2010. So most of the world’s 7 billion people use a mobile phone.
  • The tissues of the human body absorb the energy radiated from the mobile phone and the radio waves transmitted by the phones in particular are harmful.

Cell phone radiation and cancer – what do studies say about this connection?

A mobile phone has been identified as a potential carcinogen.


According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer Research , mobile phones were classified in Group 2B in 2011, which means that they are classified as potentially carcinogenic. Thus, according to the research center, it is possible that the use of mobile phones increases the risk of cancer.

In its research, the research center utilized long-term information related to the use of telephones.

There is no direct scientific evidence on the impact of cell phones on the development of cancer, but many doctors, such as George Carlo, believe that cell phone use could lead to a health crisis in the future. The use of mobile phones is believed to damage the brain and develop certain forms of cancer. Many believe that the increased use of mobile phones has led to an increase in cancer.

There are health problems associated with the use of mobile phones and many have complained about e.g. the following symptoms when using your phone:

  • Persistent headache
  • High blood pressure
  • Early onset of Alzheimer’s disease
  • Cancer

Which devices transmit the most harmful radiation?

In the United States, all phones sold must meet certain criteria. The FCC, or Federal Commission of Communications, has instructed cell phone manufacturers regarding the radiation emitted by phones. The SAR value for this device when tested for use at the ear is 1.6 watts / kilogram.

Below you will find a list of phones with the highest radiation levels on the market.

    SAR: 1.54
    SAR: 1.54
    SAR: 1.5
    SAR: 1.49
    SAR: 1.49
    SAR: 1.48
    SAR: 1.45
    SAR: 1.44
  9. NOKIA ASHA 503
    SAR: 1.43
    SAR: 1.41

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