Bulgur Wheat: Everything You Need To Know

Bulgur wheat is a raw material obtained from wheat, ie it has the same nutritional properties as wheat. It is ideal for many recipes. Read more about bulgur wheat in this article!
Bulgur wheat: everything you need to know

Are you familiar with bulgur wheat? The word bulgur  is in Turkish and refers to a raw material derived from wheat. It has been used in Middle Eastern food culture since time immemorial.

Today,  bulgur wheat is used all over the world. In Latin American countries, such as Paraguay and Argentina, it is used to make a variety of dishes, but in these countries it is called burglar wheat.

Read more about bulgur wheat below!

Bulgur wheat, a typical grain of the Middle East

Bulgur wheat is a whole grain product made from wheat ( Triticum durum ). Traditionally, it is produced by cleaning grains and boiling them in water.

They should be mixed evenly to make sure they cook evenly. Cooking takes time and is usually done on medium heat until after a certain time the temperature drops.

Once the grains have been cooked, they are drained of water and left to dry in the sun for the time required. The grains are then ground. This process results in irregularly shaped grains that are passed through a sieve and graded according to their size into small, medium, pilaf and coarse.

The production process also includes the removal of the bran, i.e. the outermost layer from the grain. Finally, the drying is completed by leaving the bulgur back in the sun for several days.

According to a study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology , all stages of processing provide certain benefits. For example, they make cereals more resistant to mold and insects and inactivate enzymes through cooking.

The production process also improves the nutritional quality of the wheat grain. It not only creates a pleasant taste, but also prolongs the shelf life of the food. This gives a product suitable for immediate use, which is also inexpensive.

Bulgur wheat can be used to make a tasty tabbule salad, for example.
Tabbule is a classic dish made of bulgur wheat, which is a great option for summer.

How is bulgur wheat different from coucous?

Although couscous and bulgur wheat are both derived from wheat, look similar and can sometimes be used to make the same dishes, they are not the same thing. There are, in fact, some significant differences between them.

The Bulgur wheat production process involves grinding cooked wheat grains, while the production of couscous – a popular grain in the Mediterranean – starts with a fine wheat flour mixed with water and salt until a thick dough is obtained. From this, small rice-like balls are made, which are then pre-cooked to improve shelf life and shorten the cooking time later.

In which recipes can bulgur wheat be used?

One typical recipe for which bulrug wheat can be used is tabbule (or tabbouleh). Tabbule is a blend of fresh vegetables and the bulgur wheat variety and is ideal as a dish for the hot summer months.

Bulgur wheat can also be used to make meatballs containing kibbeh, minced lamb and bulgur wheat. It can also be used to make risotto, stuffed vegetables and burgers, among other things.

Nutritional value of Bulgur wheat

Bulgur wheat has the same nutritional properties as wheat. According to the study “Healthy bioactive components of bulgur”, bulgur wheat contains proteins, complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fats, i.e. it is a source of basic macronutrients.

In addition, bulgur wheat contains dietary fiber , iron, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus and zinc. In particular, fiber is a useful nutrient for people with constipation-related intestinal disorders. Its regular consumption balances intestinal peristalsis and prevents constipation.

Finally, it is good to note that bulgur wheat is also a source of antioxidants and vitamins. Phenolic acids work by blocking free radicals that promote cell aging, so adding them to your diet is good for your health.

What are the health benefits of bulgur wheat?

Some of the positive health effects of eating bulgur wheat regularly are related to the regulation of blood sugar and the strengthening of the immune system. On the other hand, it also has an undeniable effect on weight management.

It maintains normal blood sugar levels

Bulgur has a low glycemic index compared to other grains due to the amount of dietary fiber it contains. Fiber reduces the absorption of sugars.

As a result, it maintains normal blood sugar levels, and for this reason, it is also considered a  diet to prevent type 2 diabetes.

It prevents cell damage and improves resistance

Bulgur wheat provides antioxidants, especially phenolic compounds and vitamin E. As a result, it contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system, as it protects cells from damage caused by reagents and toxins. In addition, the minerals it contains are needed for metabolism.

Bulgur wheat is suitable for many different recipes
Bulgur wheat ripens quickly and can be used in many different recipes.

Bulgur wheat promotes weight loss

Bulgur wheat is a great choice for weight loss. This is because when added to liquid dishes such as soups and broths, it improves the feeling of satiety. This is done so that the fiber it contains swells and feels full faster.

What about bulgur wheat is good to remember

As you can see, this typical food from the Middle East has similar nutritional properties as whole wheat, which is why its regular consumption is good for health. It helps keep your blood sugar level and is also good for your immune system.

In addition, thanks to its production process, it matures quickly in the home kitchen. It has a pleasant taste and can be included in many different recipes.

However, keep in mind that if you have celiac disease, gluten intolerance, or wheat allergy, you should not eat bulgur wheat.


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